SBI SO Exam Syllabus

SBI SO 2020: Syllabus

There are various posts which SBI recruits through SBI SO examination and there are different question papers are set for all the aspirants of different posts. Below the professional knowledge section of the question paper has been provided according to the posts under SBI SO.

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Chartered Accountant: Accounting Standards, Accounting Guidance Note, Financial Report Standards, Indian Accounting Standards, Corporate Financial Reporting, Accounting and Reporting of Financial Instrument, Share-based Payment, Liability Valuation, Share, Business valuation, Inflation Accounting, Indian Capital Market, Mutual Funds, Foreign Exchanges, Auditing etc.

Statistician: Basic Statistical Methods and Inference, Uni-Variate Data, Bi-Variate Data, Time series forecasting, Sampling Concepts, Sampling Distribution, Estimations Theory, Simple Regression, Multiple Regression, Variance Analysis, Banking-Insurance, Financial Market, Foreign Exchanges, Forecasting Portfolio etc.

Law Officer: Banking Regulated Laws, Banking Security Laws, Negotiable Instruments, Ethics and Corporate Governance in Banking, Financial Analysis, Banking Operational Laws, Banker-Customer Relations, Electronic Banking, Loans and Advances, Compliance and Legal Aspects, Security Types and Regulatory Frameworks etc.

Systems Officer/IT Officer: Computer Networks and Basic Programing Languages (C, C++, Java), Data Base Management Systems (DBMS), Basic concepts of Software and Hardware, Data Structures, Computer Organization, Computer Networks, Network Programming, Algorithms, Digital Electronics, Web Technologies, Information Systems and Software Engineering etc.

Prelims Exam mainly consists of the topics from Reasoning Abilities, Quantitative Abilities and English Language. The topics covered in this section are as follows:

Reasoning Ability
Quantitative Aptitude
Alpha Numeric Sequence Puzzle
Alphabet Test
Boats & Streams
Cloze Test.
Arithmetical Reasoning, Classification
Clocks & Calendars
Decimal & Fractions
Data Sufficiency
Fill in the Blanks.
Deriving Conclusions from Passages
Line Graphs
Para substitution
Direction and distance Sense Test
Para Jumble
.Inserting The Missing Character
Close test/ passages
Time sequence test
Mixtures & Allegations
Analytical reasoning
Compound Interest
Choosing the appropriate word
Cause and effect Input and output arrangements
Time, Speed and Distance
Spelling check
Seating arrangements
Profit and Loss
Idioms & Phrases.
Coded inequalities
Permutation and Combination
Completion of a Sentence.
Decision making
Correction of a Sentence
Logical Sequence of Words
Data Interpretation and sufficiency (will include Pie charts, Data table, Bar Graphs, Line graphs, Mixed graphs, case study etc.)
Re-arrangement of a Sentence
Logical Venn Diagrams
Permutation & Combination
Subject-Verb Agreement.
Statement – Conclusions
Problems on Ages
Theme Detection, Alphabet numbers
Problems on Trains
Theme detection
Series Test, Syllogism
Unseen Passages.
Time and Work
Word Formation.
Blood Relations
Volume & Surface
Odd one out Number
Number system and simplification
Identification of errors
Statement and assumptions
Unitary Method
Course of action
Problem based on numbers
Passage and conclusion test
Ration and Proportion
Assertion and reason Statement and course of action
Non- verbal reasoning will include sense test, odd figures, analogy etc.
Simple Interest Compound interest

Professional Knowledge (Common for all IT Posts)

  • Data Base Management System (DBMS)
  • Data Communication & Networking
  • Computer organization & Microprocessor
  • Data structure
  • Integrated circuits
  • Programming language C, C++ and OOPS
  • Cyber Security and Threats
  • Operating system & amp; system programming
  • Compiler design
  • Software engineering
  • Mobile Technologies
  • Digital electronics
  • Basic Terms
  • Direct and Indirect Taxes
  • Cost Accounting Concepts
  • Management Accounting Concepts
  • Basic Accounting concepts and principles
  • Accounting Standards
  • Auditing standards
