Sentence connectors questions sbi po mains exam 3


Question (1)

The following are some questions on sentence connectors, by using the connectors available in the alphabetic options link the two lines (A and B) and form a meaningful sentence.

A. For the first month,

B. I looked out on the lake it influence me like a tarn high up on the side of snow Cap Mountain, its bottom far above the surface of the lakes, and as the sun appear, I saw it through of the clothing of mists, and here and there, by degrees, its waves or its reflecting surface.   

1. Whenever…

2. Because…

3. Unless..

a. Only (1)

b. Only (2)

c. Only (3)

d. Both (1) and (2)

e. Both (2) and (3)

Question (2)

A. I find that even so long ago as 1792, in a "Topographical Description of the Town of Concord," by one of its citizens, in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, the author, after speaking of Walden and White Ponds, adds, "In the middle of the latter may be seen, when the water is very low, a tree which appears as if it grew in the place where it now stands, 

B. the roots are fifty feet below the surface of the water; the top of this tree is broken off, and at that place measures fourteen inches in diameter.

1. Unless

2. Although

3. However

a. Both (1) and (2)

b. Only (1)

c. Only (2)

d. Both (2) and (3)

e. Both (3)

Question (3)

A. It is not volatile below a white heat,

B. If heated with salts of more volatile acids, it expels the acid forming oxide from such salts; for example, if potassium sulphate be heated with boron trioxide, sulphur trioxide is liberated and potassium borate formed.

1. And…

2. Consequently…

3. And consequently…  

a. Only (1)

b. Only (2)

c. Only (3)

d. Both (1) and (2)

e. Both (2) and (3)

Question  (4)

A. Besides this refined selection of society Anna Shahkot’s receptions were also distinguished by

B. that she always presented some new and interesting person to the visitors and that nowhere else was the state of the political thermometer of legitimate Petersburg court society so dearly and distinctly indicated.

1. The fact

2. Indeed

3. However

a. Only (1)

b. Only (2)

c. Only (3)

d. Both (1) and (2)

e. Both (2) and (3)

Question (5)

A. We also see how the power of Omayya developed itself, and how they are against, which led in the first place to the murder of Othman and the Caliphate of Ali,

B. During the whole period of the Omayyad caliphs, repeatedly to dangerous outbreaks, culminating in the great catastrophe which placed the Abbasids on the throne.

1. And

2. Furthermore

3. And furthermore

a. Only (1)

b. Only (2)

c. Only (3)

d. Both (1) and (2)

e. Both (3) an (4)

Question  (6)

A: They are affected mainly by some changes in the explanation of the crop and may be by the explanation of the potato crop; by growing a different cereal or it can be better than the previous serial

B: By the growth of some other leguminous crop than clover, since “clove-sickness” may result if that crop is grown at short intervals, or the hybrid combination of grass seed with the cloves, and perhaps by exceeding one or more year of the period allotted to this member of the rotation.

1. Consecutively..

2. Until..

3. Because..

a. Only (1)

b. Only (2)

c. Only (3)

d. Both (1) and (2)

e. Both (2) and (3)

Questions (7)

A: There are certain people, however, with whom one has a right to be bored-people who are so self- centered  

B: they cannot listen to anyone else talking, people who engage in long conversations with their cats when they are present, people who engage endless reminiscences of their old school when in the company of a man who was at a different school. Such people are boring because they make one feel for the time being an outsider.

1. Because..

2. That..

3. Further..

a. Only (1)

b. Only (2)

c. Only (3)

d. Both (1) and (2)

e. Both (2) and (3)

Question (8)

A: Gandhiji said that he would allow a man of intellect to earn more and not suppress his talent.

B: But it was his view that the bulk of his largest earning should go for the welfare of others. Those with talent and opportunity would find their promise as trustees. Gandhiji lengthened this concept of trusteeship to cover all fields of life.   

1. Moreover..

2. However..

3. But..

a. Only (1)

b. Only (2)

c. Only (3)

d. Both (1) and (2)

e. Both (2) and (3)

Question (9)

A: He was good in any rough and- tumble and a keen football player.  But he was good at Latin he had a passion for music and a mechanical bend of mind.  At Sheridan College, a state boarding school, he was an outstanding pupil, he sat for a scholarship to Canterbury College and this was

B:  his master expected it of him, and he won it. There, Ritherford as a student was influenced by Crook’s work on radio waves and he begins to conduct his own experiments in the clock room of the College, hung their gowns.

1. But..

2. Because…

3. Consecutively..

a. Only (1)

b. Only (2)

c. Only (3)

d. Both (1) and (2)

e. Both (2) and (3)

Question (10)

A: The report gets by our technician team regarding the failure of your washing machine due to the burn out of bearings in this expensive cloth washing machine; these bearings are located below the drier.

B: We guarantee our new washing machines for three years against all defects in workmanship or materials; we cannot assume responsibility for repairs necessitated by improving care.

1. Although..

2. Because..

3. Therefore..

a. Only (1)

b. Only (2)

c. Only (c)

d. Both (1) and (2)

e. Both (2) and (3)

Answer Key:

  1. Answer (a) : For the first month, whenever I looked out on the lake it influence me like a tarn high up on the side of snow Cap Mountain, its bottom far above the surface of the lakes, and as the sun appear, I saw it through of the clothing of mists, and here and there, by degrees, its waves or its reflecting surface.
  2. Answer(d) :  I find that even so long ago as 1792, in a "Topographical Description of the Town of Concord," by one of its citizens, in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, the author, after speaking of Walden and White Ponds, adds, "In the middle of the latter may be seen, when the water is very low, a tree which appears as if it grew in the place where it now stands,  Although the roots are fifty feet below the surface of the water; the top of this tree is broken off, and at that place measures fourteen inches in diameter. I find that even so long ago as 1792, in a "Topographical Description of the Town of Concord," by one of its citizens, in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, the author, after speaking of Walden and White Ponds, adds, "In the middle of the latter may be seen, when the water is very low, a tree which appears as if it grew in the place where it now stands,  however the roots are fifty feet below the surface of the water; the top of this tree is broken off, and at that place measures fourteen inches in diameter.
  3. Answer (c) : It is not volatile below a white heat, and consecutively if heated with salts of more volatile acids, it expels the acid forming oxide from such salts; for example, if potassium sulphate be heated with boron trioxide, sulphur trioxide is liberated and potassium borate formed.
  4. Answer (d) : Besides this refined selection of society Anna Shahkot’s receptions were also distinguished by In fact that she always presented some new and interesting person to the visitors and that nowhere else was the state of the political thermometer of legitimate Petersburg court society so dearly and distinctly indicated. Besides this refined selection of society Anna Shahkot’s receptions were also distinguished by indeed that she always presented some new and interesting person to the visitors and that nowhere else was the state of the political thermometer of legitimate Petersburg court society so dearly and distinctly indicated.
  5. Answer (c) : We also see how the power of Omayya developed itself, and how they are against, which led in the first place to the murder of Othman and the Caliphate of Ali, and furthermore during the whole period of the Omayyad caliphs, repeatedly to dangerous outbreaks, culminating in the great catastrophe which placed the Abbasids on the throne.
  6. Answer (a) : They are affected mainly by some changes in the explanation of the crop and may be by the explanation of the potato crop; by growing a different cereal or it can be better than the previous serial Consecutively By the growth of some other leguminous crop than clover, since “clove-sickness” may result if that crop is grown at short intervals, or the hybrid combination of grass seed with the cloves, and perhaps by exceeding one or more year of the period allotted to this member of the rotation.
  7. Answer (b) : There are certain people, however, with whom one has a right to be bored-people who are so self- centered that they cannot listen to anyone else talking, people who engage in long conversations with their cats when they are present, people who engage endless reminiscences of their old school when in the company of a man who was at a different school. Such people are boring because they make one feel for the time being an outsider.
  8. Answer (e) :  Gandhiji said that he would allow a man of intellect to earn more and not suppress his talent. But it was his view that the bulk of his largest earning should go for the welfare of others. Those with talent and opportunity would find their promise as trustees. Gandhiji lengthened this concept of trusteeship to cover all fields of life. Gandhiji said that he would allow a man of intellect to earn more and not suppress his talent. However it was his view that the bulk of his largest earning should go for the welfare of others. Those with talent and opportunity would find their promise as trustees. Gandhiji lengthened this concept of trusteeship to cover all fields of life.  
  9. Answer (b) : He was good in any rough and- tumble and a keen football player.  But he was good at Latin he had a passion for music and a mechanical bend of mind.  At Sheridan College, a state boarding school, he was an outstanding pupil, he sat for a scholarship to Canterbury College and this was because his master expected it of him, and he won it. There, Rutherford as a student was influenced by Crook’s work on radio waves and he begins to conduct his own experiments in the clock room of the College, hung their gowns.
  10. Answer (a): The report gets by our technician team regarding the failure of your washing machine due to the burn out of bearings in this expensive cloth washing machine; these bearings are located below the drier. Although, we guarantee our new washing machines for three years against all defects in workmanship or materials; we cannot assume responsibility for repairs necessitated by improving care.
