As the notification for the IBPS PO exam is expected to release soon, many of the students are curious to apply for the exam and must have already started preparing for the exam. The most prevalent dilemma among the students is whether the IBPS PO exam is easy or tough, whether they should take it or not. The rumuor is that the level of the exam is very tough and the average student cannot qualify the exam easily. We have thus covered some basic answers which will clear your confusion.
The preliminary level of the exam is just qualifying in nature and you just need to clear the overall and the sectional cut – offs. It is possible that IBPS may follow the pattern followed by SBI and may omit sectional cut – offs. Though the cut – off of the exam increases every year still it does not hike so much that it becomes difficult for the students to score more than it. The students can check the previous year’s cut off as the guideline and must focus to score at least 5 – 6 scores more than the same. Thus, there is no need to fear about qualifying the preliminary level.
It needs at least two to three years to prepare for the PO exam if one wants to qualify it. But it is just a myth. A dedicated preparation for 3 to 4 months is sufficient to surpass the exam. It may take years to prepare for the same if one does not study seriously. But if one follows a strict study schedule, one can be equipped with much knowledge to clarify the exam.
The students have a mindset if they want to qualify the exam, they need to attempt it for at least two to three times. It is just a fiction. I have seen many candidates who have qualified the exam in the first attempt. It’s just their constant practice and regular efforts that help them to transcend the exam in the very first attempt.
Students believe if they have not the mathematical background then they cannot score good in the quantitative aptitude section. This is not true. It takes almost a month to clear the basics of the chapters of quantitative aptitude section. Then you just need to practice as many questions as you can. If you are regularly devoted for the same, it is not going to take much time. Thus, you can excel in this section within a limited period of time.
It’s a widespread belief that only the students who had excellent academic scores can upstage the exam. This is also a fallacy. There are many students who used to score just average marks during their student life, but clear the exam in the very first attempt. They are just stalwart towards their career and put out all stops to achieve their goals.
One more predominant doctrine is that the students from the rural background cannot outdistance the English section. Contrary to this, many rural students shows their efficiency by scoring above average marks in this section. The best way to prepare for this section is to go through all the basic rules and then give at least an hour daily for reading English newspapers daily.
Though this is a vast section in itself (as it has questions of financial and banking awareness, current affairs and static awareness), still it is not hard to prepare. It just requires regular reading of an hour and revision of the same every week to remember the same. There are many magazines also to prepare the current awareness section like Make my exam compiled by the IBT India which compiles the important affairs of the last six months. You can read the same in order to recapitulate the important affairs. You can also take the offline tests that are given at the back of the magazine for the revision sake.
Thus, there is nothing to worry about the exam. It’s just that you need to detach yourself from the botherations and focus on the preparation of the exam. The only thing to do is knuckle down and get on with some serious hard work. It will definitely lead you to the path which will lead you to your ultimate destination.
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