LIC AAO & AE Exam Pattern

LIC AAO & AE 2020: Exam Pattern

Selection of Assistant Administrative Officers and Assistant Engineers will be done through a  three-tiered process and subsequent Pre-recruitment Medical examination.

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Phase-I: Preliminary Examination
Phase-II : Main Examination
Phase-III:  Interview
Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination

Phase-I: LIC AAO & AE Preliminary Examination

Preliminary  Examination  consisting  of  objective  test  will  be  conducted  online.  The  test  will  have  three  sections (with separate timings for each section) as follows.

Section Number of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of Exam Duration
Reasoning Ability 35 35 English & Hindi 20 min
English Language with special emphasis on grammar, vocabulary and
30 30** English 20 min
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 English & Hindi 20 min
Total 100 70   1 hour


** English Language Test will be of qualifying nature and the marks in the English Language will not be counted for ranking.
Candidates equal to 20 times of a number of vacancies in each category, subject to availability, will be shortlisted for the Main examination.

Minimum Qualifying Marks for Prelims

Section Maximum Marks Minimum Qualifying Marks
English Language (Qualifying) 30 10 9
Numerical Ability 35 18 16
Reasoning Ability 35 18 16
Total   28 26


Phase-II : LIC AAO & AE Mains Examination

The main examination will consist of objective tests for 300 marks and descriptive test for 25 marks. Both the objective and descriptive tests will be online. The objective test will have separate timing for every section. Candidates will have to answer the Descriptive test by typing on the computer. The descriptive test will be administered immediately after the completion of the objective test.

Section Number of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of Exam Duration
Reasoning Ability 30 90 English & Hindi 40
General Knowledge, Current
30 60 English & Hindi 20
Professional knowledge 30 90 English & Hindi 40
and Financial Market Awareness
30 60 English & Hindi 20
Total 120 300   2 hours
English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)/ Legal drafting for AAO(Legal) 2 25 ** English 30
** Descriptive test of English Language etc. will be of qualifying nature and the marks in English Language will not be counted for ranking.

Minimum Qualifying Marks for Mains

Section Maximum Marks Minimum       Qualifying
SC/ST/PwBD Others
Reasoning Ability 90 40 45 40
General Knowledge, Current
60 27 30 20
Professional knowledge 90 40 45 40
and Financial Market Awareness
60 27 30 20
Total 300     2 hours
English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)/ Legal drafting for AAO(Legal) 25 ** 9 10 30


Phase III: Interview

The number of candidates to be called for interview will be about three times of the number of vacancies to be filled in subject to availability of successful candidates in the online main examination will be purely as per their ranking in their respective category. There will be no contingency/waiting list for candidates not declared successful in the main list. Marks obtained in Main examination plus marks obtained in interview will be considered for final merit listing.
