RRB ALP Exam Pattern

RRB ALP 2020 Exam Pattern

RRB ALP 2024: Exam-Pattern

RRB ALP & Technicians selection will be based on 4 stages as follows:

  • First stage CBT
  • Second stage CBT
  • Computer Based Aptitude Test
  • Document Verification

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First Stage of CBT

  • Minimum percentage of marks for eligibility in various categories : UR -40%, OBC-30%, SC-30%, ST -25%.
  • Comprises of multiple-choice objective type questions: bilingual (Hindi/English)
  • Negative Marking will be applicable. For every wrong answer 1/3 marks will be deducted. Total number of candidates to be shortlisted for second stage shall be 15 times the community wise total vacancy of ALP and Technician Posts notified against the RRB as per their merit in First Stage CBT.


Serial No. Section No.of questions Duration



75 Questions in total

60 minutes


General Intelligence & Reasoning


General Science


General Awareness on Current Affairs


Second Stage of CBT

Short listing of Candidates for the Second Stage CBT exam shall be based on the normalized marks obtained by them in the First Stage CBT Exam.Total number of candidates to be shortlisted for second stage shall be 15 times the community wise total vacancy of ALP and Technician Posts notified against the RRB as per their merit in First Stage CBT. However, Railways reserve the right to increase/decrease this limit in total or for any specific trade(s) as required to ensure availability of adequate candidates for all the notified posts.


Minimum percentage of marks for eligibility in various categories : UR -40%, OBC-30%, SC-30%, ST -25%.
Will consist of multiple-choice objective type questions: bilingual (Hindi/English)
There will be negative Marking as for every wrong answer 1/3 marks will be deducted.

Serial No. Section No. of Questions Duration



100 Questions in total

90 minutes


Generala Intelligence & Reasoning


General Science


General Awareness on Current Affairs



Qualifying Marks: 35 % (Applicable to all candidates and no relaxation)
This paper is qualifying in nature and will have questions from the trade syllabus as prescribed by Director General of Employment & Training (DGET)


Subject No.of Questions Duration

Relevant Trade

75 Questions

60 minutes


Computer Based Aptitude Test (for Candidates who have opted for ALP)

Candidates require a minimum score of 42 marks in each of the test batteries to qualify. This is applicable to all candidates and no relaxation is permissible.
There will be no negative marking in Computer Based AT.
The ALP merit list will be made only from amongst the candidates qualifying in the Aptitude Test, with 70% weightage for the marks obtained in the Part A of Second Stage CBT and 30% weightage for the marks obtained in Computer Based AT

Document Verification

Based on the performance of candidates in Part Aof the Second Stage CBT subject to their qualifying the Part B of Second Stage CBT (For Technician posts) and based on the performance of candidates in both Part A of the Second Stage CBT and Computer Based AT subject to their qualifying the Part B of Second Stage CBT (For ALP), candidates equal to the number of vacancies will be called for Document Verification. In addition, candidates equal to 50% (may increase or decrease at the discretion of Railways) of the number of vacancy for various posts will also be called for DV. These additional candidates will, however, be considered for empanelment only if there is a shortfall in empanelment from the merit list or/and as replacement against the shortfall on account of non-joining of recommended candidates in the working post or/and any other special requirements.

For Other Details Visit: RRB ALP Exam 2024 Notification, RRB ALP Exam 2024 Syllabus, RRB ALP Exam 2024 Expected Cut Off    
