UP Lekhpal 2016 Exam Cut Off Marks

UP Lekhpal 2016 Exam Cut Off Marks
The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission, is going to release the online application form for the recruitment of UP Lekhpal. The total no. of vacancies in the UPSSSC are 7176.
Cut off is the minimum marks that a candidate must score in order to be eligible for the next round or the selection. Previous year cut off helps candidates in knowing the level of examination. It helps in having a rough idea of how much a candidate must score in order to clear the exam.
Here, we are providing the cut off marks from UPSSSC Lekhpal 2016 examination. The cut off marks are out of 100 and the category wise Cut Off Marks are given below:
Cut off is the minimum marks that a candidate must score in order to be eligible for the next round or the selection. Previous year cut off helps candidates in knowing the level of examination. It helps in having a rough idea of how much a candidate must score in order to clear the exam.
Here, we are providing the cut off marks from UPSSSC Lekhpal 2016 examination. The cut off marks are out of 100 and the category wise Cut Off Marks are given below:
Cut Off Marks
52 Marks
50 Marks
45 Marks
40 Marks
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