What is the Medical examination For SSC GD 2018?
The candidates are advised to bring the following documents at the time of Detailed Medical Examination (DME).
Matriculation/ Secondary Examination Certificate to prove age, name and educational qualification.
Domicile Certificate/ Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC) issued by the competent authority.
Certificate from serving defense personnel in the format prescribed at the official notification.
Undertaking in the format prescribed the official notification from Ex-Servicemen candidates regarding completion of engagement in Armed Forces.
Caste Certificate in the format prescribed at Annexure-VI and VII of the notice from the candidates seeking reservation/ age relaxation.
Certificate from candidates who wish to avail relaxation in height/ chest measurement as prescribed in the official notification.
Certificate from District Collector/ District Magistrate in respect of dependent applicants of riot victims as mentioned in category 04/ 05/ 06 in the official notification.
Nativity/ Identity Certificate by West Pakistani Refugee in the format prescribed at the official notification.
Notes: The selected candidates will be medically examined by the Medical Boards constituted by the CAPFs to assess their physical and medical fitness.
General Medical Guidelines for SSC GD Constable 2018:
The purpose of medical standards is to ensure that medically fit candidates are accepted into the CAPFs.
1. Refusal to undergo a medical examination at any stage or absenting/ deserting oneself from the same will render the candidate unfit.
2. A declaration is to be given by candidates in a proforma which will be provided to candidates at the time of Medical Examination regarding history or presence of diseases and treatments taken if any, evidence of which is not readily obtainable during the medical examination. Any false declaration in this aspect, discovered later at any stage of service, will make the candidate liable for disciplinary action including termination from service.
3. At some stages of medical examination, male candidates will require to be examined in nude. The loincloth is to be permitted except for when genitalia and perineum are being examined.
4. The final decision of fitness/ unfitness in weight will be decided by the medical board at the time of medical examination based on the height and age chart on the day of medical examination and as per the height measured by the PST/ PET Board & as per guidelines for the same.
5. Medical Test (X-Ray) chest-PA view, Hemoglobin, Urine routine/ microscopic examination will be must for all candidates under medical examination.
6. For all female candidates: In the case of medical examination, “Temporary Unfitness” will not be allowed. However, any such female candidate who during medical examination is found to be pregnant of twelve weeks standing or above, she shall be declared “temporary unfit” and will be re-examined six weeks after the pregnancy is over, either naturally or artificially, subject to the production of a medical certificate of fitness from a registered medical practitioner to the Nodal CAPF.
7. Tattoo: Following criteria has been fixed to determine the permissibility of Tattoo:
Content: Tattoo depicting religious symbol or figures and the name, as followed in Indian Army are to be permitted.
Location: Tattoos marked on traditional sites of the body like the inner aspect of the forearm, but only left forearm, being non-saluting limb or dorsum of the hands are to be allowed.
Size: Must be less than ¼ of the particular part (Elbow or Hand) of the body. Note Amendment if any in the tattoo policy will be applicable for this recruitment if the same is made before the date of Detailed Medical Examination.
8. Duration of fitness for Post-operative cases. If any candidate is operated before medical and comes for medical examination to be conducted by CAPF, then minimum time period that should be completed after the operation at the time of medical (DME/ RME as the case may be) for fitness will be considered as per details are given below:
Body surface swelling, DNS, tonsillectomy and nasal polypectomy: 1 month.
Hydrocele: 3 months.
Tympanoplasty: 4 months.
Abdominal/ pelvic surgeries involving opening of the peritoneum, repairs of Hernia, varicocele surgeries, surgery for fistula-in-and etc: 6 months.
Above time will be considered at the time of medical only and not after the due date of medical.
Any surgery conducted between the period of DME & RME for the corrective measure of unfitness will not be accepted and be considered as ‘unfit’.
9. The candidate must not have knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein or squint in eyes.
10. Examination of blood pressure:
Normal Range Systolic 100-140 mm of Hg
Diastolic 60 to 90 mm of Hg
11. Hemoglobin:
Normal Range for male: 12-16 g/dL
Normal Range for female : 10-14 g/dL
Note: Candidates with more than 18 g/dL will be considered unfit. Hemoglobin below 12 g/dL for male and below 10 g/dL for female will be considered as disqualified.
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