Download PDF for Most Important Cloze Test Questions with Answer Key for IBPS Clerk Exam 2019


Download PDF for Most Important Cloze Test Questions with Answer Key for IBPS Clerk Exam 2019

Dear Students,
IBPS Clerk Exam 2019 is going to be conducted, We hope you all have been preparing well for this exam. To brush up your preparation at this stage, here are some most important questions for IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2019. We have shared a Free PDF of Important Cloze Test  Questions with Answer Key for IBPS Clerk Exam 2019 along with their Solution. You Should attempt these Important Questions in order to crack the upcoming IBPS Clerk Exam 2019.
How to attempt questions based on Cloze Test smartly
Content always has a context and a tone in which it is written. It is important to pay attention to these factors to be able to judge the correct option.
In the banking examinations, the passage or the paragraph is mostly based on three themes i.e. financial, environmental and technological. Financial paragraphs can be based on contemporary trends in the economy, tax reforms, GST, etc. The environmental paragraphs can be related to global warming, seasonal changes, any recent calamity, etc. The technological paragraphs can be based on new inventions, the importance of technology in daily life, etc. It is important that one has an idea about these themes to be able to judge the kind of words that can fit in these contexts.
The three basic tones observed in the paragraphs chosen for the Cloze Tests are critical, analytical and descriptive. A critical tone is used by the author to express adverse or disapproving comments or judgements. An analytical tone is used by the author to present an analysis of an issue, attempts to discuss the pros and cons or compare two or more things and finally presents expresses which one is better than the other. A descriptive tone is said to be adopted by the author when he/she gives details about a topic and provides informative content on a topic, say pros and cons, statistics etc.
Approach to solve Cloze Test questions

Five key approaches to be kept in mind are given below to solve questions based on Cloze Test:

Read the passage: Go through the passage once and highlight the keywords to get an idea of the topic.

Analyse the theme of the passage: Once you highlight the keywords, it becomes easier to understand the theme of the paragraph.

Be mindful of the supporting/contradicting connectors: Connectors play a key role in choosing the correct word. Supporting connectors (e.g. and, like, likewise, similarly) indicate that the context of the two statements or clauses is similar. Contradicting connectors (but, however, unlike, although, though) show that the context of the two statements or clauses is of opposite or contrasting nature and the word chosen as the answer should correspond with the same.

Eliminate options: Once you analyse the context of the entire paragraph and the connectors of the specific question, eliminate the options which do not abide by them.

Grasp correct contextual meaning: A word may have multiple meanings; hence it is important to understand the contextual usage of the word.

Let’s take an example of the word ‘cell’. The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life. The cell is also the basic unit of a battery. The cell is used to refer to cell phones too. Also, the cell is used to refer to a prison. A container is also called a cell.

If you go step by step, keeping in mind these five key approaches you will surely be able to solve the Cloze Test quickly and accurately. Try and solve the new pattern Cloze Test using these five approaches. Scroll down for answers and solution.


Click here to Download Most Important Cloze Test Questions with Answer Key 

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