Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 30 May 2023
Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning.
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1. MATRIARCH (noun) : कुलमाता
Pronunciation: may·tree·aak
Meaning: a female head of a family
Synonyms: feminine, maternal, womanly
Antonyms: young, immature
Sentence: when the matriarch dies, one of the oldest offspring take her place.
2. ARCHIPELAGO (noun) : द्वीपसमूह
Pronunciation: aa·kuh·peh·luh·goh
Meaning: a group of islands
Synonyms: peninsula, enclave, bar, cay
Antonyms: landmass, shore, continent
Sentence: lakshadweep is an archipelago of 12 atolls, 3 reefs & 5 submerged banks.
3. SABOTAGE (verb) : तोड़-फोड़
Pronunciation: sa·buh·taazh
Meaning: deliberately destroy, damage or obstruct etc
Synonyms: demolishing, destruction, ravage
Antonyms: conservation, protection, salvage
Sentence: they tried to sabotage the ceasefire.
4. HITHERTO (adj.) : अब तक
Pronunciation: hi·dhuh·too
Meaning: describe a situation that has existed up to this point or upto the present time
Synonyms: before, yet, so far
Antonyms: afterwards, later, there upon
Sentence: smriti madhana revealed hitherto great talent on cricket pitch.
5. EXPULSION (noun) : निष्कासन
Pronunciation: uhk·spuhl·zhn
Meaning: the action of forcing someone to leave an organisation.
Synonyms: banishment, displacement
Antonyms: admission, allow
Sentence: expulsion from school a harsh form of punishment.
6. SEMANTIC (noun) : अर्थ
Pronunciation: suh·man·tuhk
Meaning: connected with the meaning & sentence
Synonyms: connotation, definition, explanation
Antonym: meaningless
Sentence: my ideas on semantics needed more careful exploration.
7. DISDAIN (noun) : तिरस्कार
Pronunciation: duhs·dayn
Meaning: the feeling that somebody is not good enough to be respected.
Synonyms: contempt, hate, execration
Antonyms: acceptance, tolerance
Sentence: he turned his head away in disdain.
8. COHERENT (adj.) : सुसंगत
Pronunciation: koh·heeuh·ruhnt
Meaning: logical & consistent
Synonyms: analytics, consequent
Antonyms: eristic, misleading
Sentence: the government lacks a coherent economic policy.
9. SINISTER (adj.) : भयावह
Pronunciation: si·nuh·stuh
Meaning: singularly evil or productive of evil
Synonyms: baleful, dire, doomy
Antonyms: unthreatening, bright, golden
Sentence: there was something sinister about his death.
10. VERNACULAR (noun) : मातृभाषा
Pronunciation: vuh·na·kyoo·luh
Meaning: the language spoken in a particular area
Synonyms: colloquial, informal
Antonyms: formal, learned, literary
Sentence: he lapsed into the local vernacular.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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