Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 29 March 2024

Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 29 March 2024


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!
1.DISHEVELED (adj.): बिखेरा हुआ
Pronunciation: duh·sheh·vld
Meaning: lacking in order, neatness, and often cleanliness
Synonyms: disordered, messy, filthy
Antonyms: neat, organized, ordered
Sentence: I got my suit pressed so I wouldn’t look so disheveled for the wedding
2.TUTELAGE (noun): संरक्षण
Pronunciation: tyoo·tuhl·uhj
Meaning: protection of or authority over someone or something; guardianship.
Synonyms: shielding, shelter, safeguarding
Antonyms: imprudence, insecurity
Sentence: A new regime was installed under French tutelage.
3.RATIFYING (verb): पुष्टि करना
Pronunciation: ra·tuh·fai·uhng
Meaning: sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid.
Synonyms: confirm, approve, sanction
Antonyms: declining, denying, disallowing
Sentence: Both countries were due to ratify the treaty by the end of the year.
4.GUERRILLA (noun): विद्रोही
Pronunciation: guh·ri·luh
Meaning: a member of a small independent group taking part in irregular fighting, typically against larger regular forces.
Synonyms: fighter, revolutionary, rebel
Antonyms: civilian, noncombatant
Sentence: Guerrilla groups are active in the province.
5.EXPOUND (verb): व्याख्या करना
Pronunciation: uhk·spawnd·uhd
Meaning: present and explain (a theory or idea) systematically and in detail.
Synonyms: present, put forward, proffer
Antonyms: complicate,confuse,mystify
Sentence: He was expounding a powerful argument.
6.GALLED (verb): परेशान होना
Pronunciation: gawld
Meaning: make (someone) feel annoyed.
Synonyms: irritate, annoy, bothered
Antonyms: delighted, gladdened, gratified
Sentence: He knew he was losing, and it galled him.
7.HAVOC (noun): प्रलय
Pronunciation: hav·oc
Meaning: widespread destruction.
Synonyms:  devastation, destruction, damage
Antonyms: peaceful, calm, harmony
Sentence: The hurricane has caused havoc along the coast.
8.MEDDLE (verb): हस्तक्षेप करना
Pronunciation: meh·dl
Meaning: interfere in or busy oneself unduly with something that is not one’s concern.
Synonyms: interfere, intervene, intrude
Antonyms: disregard, ignore, neglect
Sentence: I don’t want him meddling in our affairs.
9.GAINSAY (verb): विरोध करना
Pronunciation: gayn·say
Meaning: deny or contradict (a fact or statement).
Synonyms: deny, dispute, disagree with
Antonyms: admit, allow, avow
Sentence: No one dared to gainsay him.
10.FEIGN (verb): ढोंग करना
Pronunciation: fayn
Meaning: to present a false appearance of
Synonyms: simulate, fakes, ham
Antonyms: heartfelt, wholehearted, profound
Sentence: Some animals feign death when in danger.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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