Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 28 October 2020


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!
1. STYGIAN (adjective) अंधकारग्रस्त
Pronunciation: sti·jee·uhn
Meaning: very dark
Synonyms: dark, black, inky, sooty, dusky, dim, murky
Antonyms: bright, clean, luminous
Usage: The stygian cave led to an underground river which frightened the explorers. 
2. BOGUS (adjective) नकली
Pronunciation: bow·guhs
Meaning: not genuine
Synonyms: fake, spurious, false, fraudulent, sham, deceptive, misleading
Antonym: genuine, authentic, real
Usage: She was fooled by his bogus identity card.
3. IRASCIBLE (adjective) क्रोधी
Pronunciation: uh·ra·suh·bl
Meaning: quickly aroused to anger
Synonyms: irritable, snappish, tetchy, edgy, crabby, feisty, grouchy
Antonym: cool, happy, pleasant
Usage: Because Charles is very irascible, you have to be mindful of what you say to him.
4. TACITURNITY (noun) – चुप्पी
Pronunciation: ta·suh·tuh·ni·tee
Meaning: the trait of being uncommunicative
Synonyms: reserve, silence, aloofness, calmness, caution, coldness, constraint
Antonyms: agitation, boldness, freedom
Usage: His taciturnity was unbroken.
5. OVERDUE (adjective) बाकी, कालातीत
Pronunciation: ow·vuh·dyoo
Meaning: not having arrived, happened, or been done by the expected time
Synonyms: late, behindhand, delayed, belated, tardy, unpunctual, unpaid, unsettled
Antonyms: early, punctual, settled
Usage: The rent is overdue.
6. STRIVE (verb) प्रयास करना
Pronunciation: straiv
Meaning: to struggle or try something very hard
Synonyms: try, attempt, aim, aspire, venture, undertake
Antonyms: relax, rest, laze
Usage: We have to strive for what we want.
7. ALLEVIATE (verb) कम करना
Pronunciation: uh·lee·vee·eit
Meaning: to make something less painful, severe, or serious
Synonyms: relieve, reduce, ease, lessen, diminish, weaken, lighten
Antonyms: intensify, worsen, increase
Usage: The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain.
8. CONCISE (adjective) – संक्षिप्त
Pronunciation: kuhn·sais
Meaning: expressing much in few words
Synonyms: short, brief, compact, pithy, incisive, crisp, compressed
Antonyms: lengthy, discursive, wordy
Usage: Since I get bored easily, I only read concise stories under fifty pages.
9. MELODIOUS (adjective) मधुर
Pronunciation: muh·low·dee·uhs
Meaning: having a pleasing sound
Synonyms: harmonious, tuneful, melodic, musical, dulcet, round, soothing
Antonyms: discordant, grating, inharmonious
Usage: Melodious flutes played throughout the auditorium.
10. SHIFTY (adjective) बेईमान
Pronunciation: shif·tee
Meaning: appearing deceitful or evasive
Synonyms: devious, evasive, slippery, duplicitous, false, deceitful, untrustworthy
Antonyms: honest, open, trustworthy
Usage: That guy is very suspicious, his shifty eyes move constantly.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.   
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