Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 27 November 2021


Here some exceptional English words from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are given with their synonyms/antonyms and Sentence. Hopefully, this will help you improve your vocabulary.
Happy Learning!!
1. EGRESS (noun)  निकास
Pronunciation: ē-ˌgres
Meaning: the action of going out of or leaving a place.
Synonyms: departure, leaving, exit
Antonyms: entrance, entry, ingress
Sentence: The only egress from the nightclub was a dark, narrow stairway to the street below.
2. FURBISH (verb) चमक लाना
Pronunciation: fuh•buhsh
Meaning: give a fresh look to (something old or shabby)
Synonyms: renovate, furnish, glitter
Antonyms: roughen, ruffle, scuff
Sentence: I needed until August to fully furbish the two front rooms.
3. ABEYANCE (noun) ठहराव
Pronunciation: uh•bay•uhns
Meaning: a state of temporary disuse or suspension.
Synonyms: suspension, remission, a state of dormancy
Antonyms: continuance, continuation
Sentence: Matters were held in abeyance pending further inquiries.
4. SCRIMMAGE (noun)  धक्का मुक्की
Pronunciation: skri•muhj
Meaning: a confused struggle or fight.
Synonyms: fight, battle, struggle
Antonyms: truce, accord, peace
Sentence: There was a considerable scrimmage, with people anxious to obtain cabs.
5. UPBRAID (verb) फटकारना
Pronunciation: uhp•brayd
Meaning: find fault with (someone); scold.
Synonyms: reprimand, rebuke, reproach
Antonyms: approve, endorse, praise
Sentence: He was upbraided for his slovenly appearance.
6. DERIDE (verb) – उपहास करना
Pronunciation: duh•ride
Meaning: express contempt for; ridicule.
Synonyms: make fun of, poke fun at, laugh at
Antonyms: applaud, respect, praise
Sentence: You shouldn’t deride their efforts.
7. QUIXOTIC (adj) – विलक्षण
Pronunciation: kvuhk•saw•tuhk
Meaning: exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.
Synonyms: idealistic, unbusinesslike, extravagant
Antonyms: practical, pragmatic, realistic
Sentence: This is a vast, exciting, and perhaps quixotic project.
8. ENERVATE (adj) कमज़ोर
Pronunciation: ener•vate
Meaning: cause (someone) to feel drained of energy or vitality; weaken.
Synonyms: exhaust, weaken, fatigue
Antonyms: strengthen, energize
Sentence: The surgery really enervated me for weeks afterward.
9. DOFFS (verb) – उतारना
Pronunciation: dawfs
Meaning: remove.
Synonyms: take off, put off, remove
Antonyms: put on, slip, throw
Sentence: he had doffed tie and jacket and rolled up his shirtsleeves
10. LARGESSE (noun)  उदारता
Pronunciation: laa•jes
Meaning: generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others.
Synonyms: generosity, liberality, munificence
Antonyms: cheapness, parsimony, penuriousness
Sentence: She is not noted for her largesse.
Now, choose any 2 or 3 words and try to use them in your own sentences, this way you can retain the learnt words in your memory for a long time. You can share your sentences in the comment section.
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