Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 27 November 2020


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learned. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!   
1.ABORTIVE (adjective) - निष्फल
Pronunciation: abo·tiv
Meaning: failing to produce the intended result
Synonyms: failed, unsuccessful, ineffective, vain, thwarted, useless, worthless
Antonyms: successful, fruitful, profitable
Usage: The surgery was abortive and did not repair the damage to the man’s heart.
2.PEDANTIC (adjective) - पूर्ण सावधान
Pronunciation: pi·dan·tik
Meaning: excessively concerned with minor details or rules
Synonyms: scrupulous, perfectionist, precisionist, punctilious, meticulous
Antonyms: imprecise, inaccurate
Usage: As a grammar teacher, it is hard for me to not review everything with a pedantic eye.
3.CHARY (adjective) – सतर्क
Pronunciation: cheuh·ree
Meaning: characterized by great cautious and wariness
Synonyms: wary, careful, cautious, circumspect, heedful, careful, guarded
Antonym: careless, hasty, incautious
Usage: You should be chary of investing any money in such a risky venture.
4.QUIZZICAL (adjective) - उलझन में डालने वाला
Pronunciation: kwi·zuh·kl
Meaning: indicating mild or amused puzzlement
Synonyms: puzzled, perplexed, baffled, questioning, inquiring
Antonyms: certain, understanding
Usage: She gave me a quizzical look.
5.PEEVISH (adjective) – झगड़ालू, फ़साद-पसंद
Pronunciation: pee·vish
Meaning: easily irritated or annoyed
Synonyms: irritable, irascible, fractious, fretful, cross, petulant
Antonyms: accepting, friendly, happy
Usage: Because John is peevish and never satisfied with anything, he finds it hard to make friends.
6. ASCETIC (adjective) – संयमी
Pronunciation: uh·seh·tuhk
Meaning: leading a life of self-denial
Synonyms: austere, abstinent, abstemious, frugal, simple, rigorous, strict
Antonyms: sybaritic, luxurious, extravagant
Usage: The minister encouraged his church members to pursue ascetic lives without earthly pleasures.
7.CRONY (noun) - घनिष्ठ मित्र
Pronunciation: kro·ni
Meaning: a close friend or companion
Synonyms: friend, buddy, companion, pal, chum
Antonyms: enemy, foe, opponent
Usage: The old man and his crony drink in the bar all day.
8.LAVISH (adjective, verb) – प्रचुर
Pronunciation: lav·ish
Meaning: luxurious or elegant
Synonyms: sumptuous, luxurious, luxuriant, lush, gorgeous, costly, opulent
Antonyms: economical, reasonable
Usage: It was one of the most lavish weddings I have ever been to.
9.TEMPESTUOUS (adjective) – प्रचण्ड
Pronunciation: tem·pes·chyu·us
Meaning: characterized by strong and unstable emotion
Synonyms: turbulent, stormy, tumultuous, violent, wild
Antonyms: peaceful, placid, calm
Usage: He is in a tempestuous mood.
10.FRAUGHT (adjective) – भरा हुआ
Pronunciation: frawt
Meaning: full of
Synonyms: filled, laden, stuffed, charged, replete
Antonym: empty
Usage: The journey was fraught with difficulties.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences, and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learned words for a longer duration.  
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