Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 26 November 2021


Here some exceptional English words from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are given with their synonyms/antonyms and Sentence. Hopefully, this will help you improve your vocabulary.
Happy Learning!!

1. PREDISPOSE (noun)  संवेदनशील
Pronunciation: pree•duh•spoze
Meaning: make someone liable or inclined to a specified attitude, action, or condition.
Synonyms: make susceptible, make liable, make prone
Antonyms: Disinclined, unamenable, unwilling
Sentence: His good manners predispose people to like him.
2. PROPRIETY (noun) औचित्य
Pronunciation: pruh•prai•uh•tee
Meaning: the state or quality of conforming to conventionally accepted standards of behavior or morals.
Synonyms: decorum, respectability, decency
Antonyms: impropriety, indecency, indecorum
Sentence: He always behaved with the utmost propriety.
3. RIFT (noun) अनबन
Pronunciation: rift
Meaning: a serious break in friendly relations.
Synonyms: breach, division, split
Antonyms: unify, unite
Sentence: Their demise caused a rift between the city’s town and gown.
4. UNREMITTING (adj) निरंतर
Pronunciation: uhn•ruh•mit•uhng
Meaning: never relaxing or slackening; incessant.
Synonyms: relentless, unrelenting, continual
Antonyms: discontinuous, noncontinuous, periodic
Sentence: The group faced unremitting hostility from the FBI.
5. PROPHESY (verb) भविष्यवाणी करना
Pronunciation: praw•fuh•sai
Meaning: say that (a specified thing) will happen in the future.
Synonyms: predict, foretell, forecast
Antonyms: unplanned, improbable, unintended
Sentence: Holy men were prophesying the coming of a new messiah.
6. SCURRILOUS (adj) मिथ्या
Pronunciation: skuh•ruh•luhs
Meaning: making or spreading scandalous claims about someone with the intention of damaging their reputation.
Synonyms: abusive, vituperative, derogatory
Antonyms: respectful, polite, gracious
Sentence: He wrote a scurrilous piece about me in the local press.
7. REPRISAL (noun)  प्रतिहिंसा
Pronunciation: ruh•prize•uhl
Meaning: an act of retaliation.
Synonyms: retaliation, counterattack, revenge
Antonyms: forgiveness, pardon, remission
Sentence: The attack was in reprisal for the kidnapping of their leaders.
8. SWINDLE (noun)  धोखा
Pronunciation: svin•dl
Meaning: a fraudulent scheme or action.
Synonyms: fraud, trick, deception
Antonyms: frankness, honesty, openness.
Sentence: I don’t want to get involved in a swindle.
9. GLARING (adj) स्पष्ट
Pronunciation: gleuh•ruhng
Meaning: highly obvious or conspicuous.
Synonyms: obvious, conspicuous, unmistakable
Antonyms: imperceptible, inconspicuous, unnoticeable
Sentence: I never saw such a glaring example of misrepresentation.
10. ENTENTE (noun)  समझौता
Pronunciation: awn•tawnt
Meaning: a friendly understanding or informal alliance between states or factions.
Synonyms: understanding, agreement, alliance
Antonyms: disagreement, misunderstanding
Sentence: The two leaders signed a treaty of entente and cooperation.
Now, choose any 2 or 3 words and try to use them in your own sentences, this way you can retain the learnt words in your memory for a long time. You can share your sentences in the comment section.
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