Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 26 November 2020


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!    

1.ALTRUISTIC (adjective) – परोपकारी
Pronunciation: al•troo•i•stuhk
Meaning: sincerely concerned about the well being of others
Synonyms: unselfish, selfless, considerate, compassionate, kind, decent, noble
Antonyms: selfish, inconsiderate, greedy
Usage: The billionaire is an altruistic man who gives away millions of dollars every year to various charities.

2. LOOM (verb) – पास ही मंडराना
Pronunciation: loom
Meaning: to threaten or hang over
Synonyms: emerge, appear, dominate, hover, mount, threaten, approach
Antonyms: descend, leave, abandon
Usage: When the storm begins to loom over the horizon, we will head back to the car.

3.VIGOROUS (adjective) – जोरदार, बलवान
Pronunciation: vi•guh•ruhs
Meaning: active and strong in a physical sense
Synonyms: healthy, strong, sturdy, fine, fit, tough, athletic
Antonyms: frail, weak, feeble
Usage: The rough mountain hike wore out even the vigorous athletes in the group.

4.DECRY (verb) – दोष देना, निंदा करना
Pronunciation: di-krai
Meaning: publicly declare to be wrong or evil
Synonyms: denounce, condemn, criticize, censure
Antonyms: admire, praise, overrate
Usage: After the immigration bill was passed, the racist groups started to decry the features of the act.
5.ALLIANCE (noun) – संधि
Pronunciation: alai-uns
Meaning: a union or association formed for mutual benefit
Synonyms: association, union, league, treaty, affinity
Antonyms: distance, separation
Usage: In order to protect their borders, the two countries formed an alliance.
6.ABATE (verb) – रोक-थाम करना, कम करना
Pronunciation: ab-eit
Meaning: become make something less intense
Synonyms: subside, lessen, decrease, moderate, diminish, reduce, lower
Antonyms: intensify, increase 
Usage: What I need are skills to abate my reactions to her anger.
7.CONSCIENTIOUS (adjective) – कर्तव्यनिष्ठ
Pronunciation: kon-shi-en-shus
Meaning: wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly
Synonyms: diligent, industrious, punctilious, painstaking, dedicated, careful, meticulous
Antonym: careless, irresponsible
Usage: She was conscientious with regard to her duties as examiner.
8.ADEPT (adjective, noun) – निपुण, दक्ष
Pronunciation: adept
Meaning: very skilled or proficient at something
Synonyms: expert, proficient, skilful, talented; expert, master, genius, virtuoso
Antonyms: inept, mediocre, amateur
Usage: Mark is an adept juggler who can easily manager four balls in the air without dropping any of them.
9.SEDENTARY (adjective) – गतिहीन, सुस्त
Pronunciation: seh•duhn•tree
Meaning: tending to spend much time seated
Synonyms: sitting, seated, inactive, motionless, lazy, sluggish
Antonyms: active, mobile
Usage: Many people become obese by overeating and living a sedentary life. 
10.CANDID (adjective) – खरा, सच्चा
Pronunciation: kan•duhd
Meaning: truthful and straightforward
Synonyms: frank, outspoken, forthright, blunt, open, honest, truthful
Antonyms: secretive, guarded, insincere
Usage: The book reviewer had no trouble giving his candid review of the awful novel. 

Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.   
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