Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 25 November 2021


Here some exceptional English words from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are given with their synonyms/antonyms and Sentence. Hopefully, this will help you improve your vocabulary.
Happy Learning!!
1. ABROGATION (noun)  निराकरण
Pronunciation: a•bruh•gay•shn
Meaning: the repeal or abolition of a law, right, or agreement.
Synonyms: repudiation, revocation, repeal
Antonyms: approval, authorization, clearance
Sentence: China regrets the abrogation of the Anti – Ballistic Missile Treaty.
2. OCCLUDE (verb) रोक देना
Pronunciation: uh•klood
Meaning: stop, close up, or obstruct (an opening, orifice, or passage).
Synonyms: block, obstruct, stop
Antonyms: clear, free, unblock
Sentence: A blood clot had occluded a major artery in his body.
3. AVERSE (adj) विरुद्ध
Pronunciation: uh•vuhs
Meaning: having a strong dislike of or opposition to something.
Synonyms: opposed to, against, antipathetic to
Antonyms: friendly, sympathetic, tolerant
Sentence: We are averse to such noisy surroundings.
4. QUANDARY (noun) व्याकुलता
Pronunciation: kvawn•duh•ree
Meaning: a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation.
Synonyms: dilemma, plight, predicament
Antonyms: breeze, cinch
Sentence: I was in a quandary about whether to go.
5. INVIGORATE (verb) मज़बूत करना
Pronunciation: uhn•vi•guh•rayt
Meaning: give strength or energy to.
Synonyms: revitalize, energize, vivify
Antonyms: dampen, deaden, dull
Sentence: The shower had invigorated him.
6. OBEISANCE (noun) श्रद्धा
Pronunciation: oh•bay•sns
Meaning: deferential respect.
Synonyms: respect, homage, worship
Antonyms: disrespect, impudence, insolence
Sentence: He made obeisance to the king.
7. WALLOP (noun) प्रहार
Pronunciation: vaw•luhp
Meaning: strike or hit (someone or something) very hard.
Synonyms: hit, strike, beat
Antonyms: submit, yield, succumb, surrender
Sentence: They walloped the back of his head with a stick.
8. SPELLBIND (verb)  मोहित करना
Pronunciation: spell•bind
Meaning: hold the complete attention of (someone) as though by magic; fascinate.
Synonyms: fascinating, enthralling, entrancing
Antonyms: boring, dull
Sentence: The killer whale gave the spellbound audience a good soaking.
9. VERACITY (noun) सच्चाई
Pronunciation: ve•rac•i•ty
Meaning: conformity to facts; accuracy.
Synonyms: truthfulness, truth, accuracy
Antonyms: deceit, dishonesty, lying
Sentence: Officials expressed doubts concerning the veracity of the story.
10. SHEATHE (verb) ढांकना
Pronunciation: shēṯẖ
Meaning: put (a weapon such as a knife or a sword) into a sheath.
Synonyms: wrap, cover, enclose
Antonyms: unwrap, uncover, release
Sentence: Lan draws and sheathes the sword a few times, just to get a feel for it.
Now, choose any 2 or 3 words and try to use them in your own sentences, this way you can retain the learnt words in your memory for a long time. You can share your sentences in the comment section.
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