Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 25 November 2020


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!    

1.ENMITY (noun) – शत्रुता
Pronunciation: en•muh•tee
Meaning: a feeling of strong dislike or opposition
Synonyms: hatred, hostility, caversion, antipathy, bitterness, dislike, hate
Antonyms: friendship, liking, sympathy
Usage: A part of healing is letting go of the enmity you feel towards people who have wronged you in the past.

2.FETTER (verb) – जंजीर में बांधना
Pronunciation: feh•tuh
Meaning: restrain with shackles
Synonyms: bind, chain, clog, confine, restrict, repress, hinder
Antonyms: free, liberate, release
Usage: There were no chains immediately available to fetter the prisoners.

3.TERSE (adjective) – संक्षिप्त
Pronunciation: tuhs
Meaning: sparing in the use of words
Synonyms: curt, brusque, abrupt, clipped, blunt, gruff, short
Antonyms: verbose, rambling
Usage: Although Phillip is known for making long speeches, this speech was incredibly terse

4.PRONE (adjective) – औंधा
Pronunciation: prown
Meaning: lying flat, especially face downwards
Synonyms: prostrate, procumbent, decumbent, flat, horizontal
Antonyms: upright, supine, straight
Usage: He was lying prone on a foam mattress.
5.GLANCE (verb) – झलक
Pronunciation: glaans
Meaning: take a brief or hurried look
Synonyms: peek, peep, glimpse, keek, squiz
Antonyms: gaze, scrutinize
Usage: The driver gave a glance back as he moved into the passing lane.
6.PERJURY (noun) – झूठी गवाही
Pronunciation: puh•juh•ree
Meaning: lying while under oath 
Synonyms: deception, dishonesty, falsehood, falsification, deceitfulness
Antonyms: frankness, honesty, truthfulness
Usage: Gabriel knew he would be accused of perjury if he told anything other than the truth in court.
7.JUMBLE (noun) – अस्तव्यस्तता
Pronunciation: juhm•bl
Meaning: a typically messy pile of things
Synonyms: hodgepodge, tangle, clutter, muddle, mess, confusion, disarray     
Antonyms: arrangement, order, organization
Usage: He rummaged through the jumble of papers on his desk.
8.SOLVENT (adjective) – ऋण चुकाने योग्य
Pronunciation: sol•vnt
Meaning: able to pay all financial obligations
Synonyms: creditworthy, stable, firm, solid, ungeared
Antonyms: insolvent, indebted, bound
Usage: The company managed to remain solvent during the recession.
9.PROPITIOUS (adjective) – अनुकूल
Pronunciation: pruh•pi•shuhs
Meaning: presenting favorable circumstances
Synonyms: favorable, advantageous, beneficial, auspicious, promising, prosperous, fortunate
Antonyms: inauspicious, unfortunate, unfavorable
Usage: The wrestler waited for a propitious moment to attack his opponent.

10.ASSIDUOUS (adjective) – परिश्रमी 
Pronunciation: uh•si•joo•uhs
Meaning: showing great care and perseverance
Synonyms: diligent, careful, meticulous, thorough, sedulous, attentive, industrious
Antonyms: lazy, inactive, sleepy
Usage: With an assiduous attitude, we will finish this project.

Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.   
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