Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 25 February 2024

Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning.
Happy learning!!!
1.NAYSAYER (noun): निराशावादी
Pronunciation: nay·say·er
Meaning: a person who criticizes, objects to, or opposes something.
Synonyms: cynic, misanthrope, pessimist
Antonyms: optimist, idealist
Sentence: Those are naysayers who attack the integrity of the entire judicial system.
2.JAUNTY (adj) : अल्हड़
Pronunciation: jaan·tee
Meaning: having or expressing a lively, cheerful, and self-confident manner.
Synonyms: cheerful, happy, jolly
Antonyms: depressed, serious, sad
Sentence: They were both jaunty and self-confident little men.
3.PETTIFOGGING (adj.) : छल-संबंधी
Pronunciation: pet.ɪˌfɒɡ.ɪŋ
Meaning: placing undue emphasis on petty details.
Synonyms: inferior, mean, trivial
Antonyms: serious, substantial
Sentence: Pettifogging attorneys were the bane of civil society.
4.IMPRIMATUR (noun) : इजाज़त
Pronunciation: im·pruh·maa·tuh
Meaning: an acceptance of something as satisfactory
Synonyms: approbation, approval, acceptation
Antonyms: disapprobation, disapproval, disfavor
Sentence: They can also get the imprimatur of the Constitutional Court to achieve this.
5.AXIOM (noun) : स्वयंसिद्ध
Pronunciation: ak·see·uhm
Meaning: a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.
Synonyms: accepted truth, general truth, dictum
Antonyms: absurdity, ambiguity, foolishness
Sentence: It is a widely held axiom that governments should not negotiate with terrorists.
6.TAD (adv.) : अल्प
Pronunciation: Ted
Meaning: to a small extent; somewhat.
Synonyms: little, bit, ounce
Antonyms: abundance, plenty, loads
Sentence: Could you turn the sound down just a tad?
7.REVOCATION (noun) : रद्द करना
Pronunciation: reh·vuhk·ay·shn
Meaning: the official cancellation of a decree, decision, or promise.
Synonyms: abandonment, calling off, cancellation
Antonyms: continuation, commencement
Sentence: He threatened the revocation of his son’s driving privileges.
8.CASTIGATING (verb) : निंदा करने वाला
Pronunciation: ka·stuh·gayt·uhng
Meaning: to criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially
Synonyms: reprimand, rebuke, admonish
Antonyms: approving, endorsing, acclaiming
Sentence: The newspaper editorial castigated the city council for approving the project in the first place.
9.HECKLING (verb) : चिल्लाना
Pronunciation: heh·kuhl·uhng
Meaning: interrupt (a public speaker) with derisive or aggressive comments or abuse.
Synonyms: jeer, taunt, disrupt
Antonyms: motivate, cheer, inspire
Sentence: The ceremony was disrupted by unprecedented heckling and slogan-chanting.
10.LOOMING (verb): उभरते
Pronunciation: loom·uhng
Meaning: appear as a shadowy form, especially one that is large or threatening.
Synonyms: emerge, appear
Antonyms: abating, declining
Sentence: Rain clouds were looming on the horizon.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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