Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 24 May 2022


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning.
Happy learning!!!
1. USURPATION (noun) : हड़प लेना
Pronunciation: yoo·zuhp·ay·shn
Meaning: the unlawful taking or withholding of something from the rightful owner under the guise of authority
Synonyms: preemption, seizure, takeover
Antonyms: letting go, release, leave
Sentence: The unexpected usurpation of power by the government resulted in the townspeople revolting.
2. INNOCUOUS (adj.) : अहानिकर
Pronunciation: uh·naw·kyoo·uhs
Meaning: not harmful or offensive.
Synonyms: harmless, safe, nondangerous
Antonyms: baleful, baneful, damaging
Sentence: His comment seemed perfectly innocuous.
3. LICIT (adj.) : जायज
Pronunciation: li·suht
Meaning: not forbidden; lawful.
Synonyms: legitimate, permissible, admissible
Antonyms: illegal, illegitimate, illicit
Sentence: She made some money by licit means.
4. PERSEVERANCE (noun) : धैर्य
Pronunciation: puh·suh·veeuh·ruhns
Meaning: persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
Synonyms: persistence, tenacity, determination
Antonyms: doubt, incertitude, indetermination
Sentence: Perseverance is the only road to success.
5. INGRATIATING (adj.) : अनुग्रह पाने
Pronunciation: ng·gray·shee·ay·ting
Meaning: intended to gain approval or favor; sycophantic.
Synonyms: sycophantic, obsequious, servile
Antonyms: unendearing, uningratiating
Sentence: He said this with an ingratiating smile.
6. AD-LIB (verb) : बिना तैयारी के
Pronunciation: ad lib
Meaning: speak or perform in public without previously preparing one’s words.
Synonyms: extempore, without preparation, impromptu
Antonyms: considered, planned, premeditated
Sentence: She ad-libbed her way through the entire speech.
7. PITTANCE (noun) : अल्प भाग
Pronunciation: pi·tns
Meaning: a very small or inadequate amount of money paid to someone as an allowance or wage.
Synonyms: very small amount, a tiny amount, an insufficient amount
Antonyms: big buck, treasure
Sentence: The internship offers only a pittance of a salary, but it is a great opportunity to gain experience.
8. FLABBERGAST (verb) : हैरत में डालना
Pronunciation: fla·buh·gaast
Meaning: surprise (someone) greatly; astonish.
Synonyms: astonish, astound, amaze
Antonyms: aware, clear, oriented.
Sentence: He was flabbergasted when we told him how cheap it was.
9. DESECRATE (verb) : तिरस्कार करना
Pronunciation: deh·suh·krayt
Meaning: treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect; violate.
Synonyms: violate, profane, dishonor
Antonyms: honor, respect, bless
Sentence: She shouldn’t have desecrated the picture of a religious leader.
10. WHEEDLE (verb) : चापलूसी से मना लेना
Pronunciation: vee·dl
Meaning: to get (someone) to do something by gentle urging, special attention, or flattery
Synonyms: blandish, blarney, flattery
Antonyms: demand, force, compel
Sentence: She even managed to wheedle more money out of him.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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