Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 23 June 2022


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning.
Happy learning!!!
1. CURB (noun) : नियंत्रण
Pronunciation: kuhb
Meaning: an edging (as of concrete) built along a street to form part of a gutter
Synonyms: restriction, rein         
Antonyms: freedom, encouragement
Sentence: Taking a few deep breaths may curb your temper.
2. SURREPTITIOUSLY (adverb) : चुपके
Pronunciation: suh·ruhp·ti·shuhs·lee
Meaning: done, made, or acquired by stealth
Synonyms: covertly, clandestinely          
Antonyms: openly, publicly
Sentence: It was a surreptitiously printed material.
3. CONSTITUTE (verb) : गठित करना
Pronunciation: kawn·stuh·choot
Meaning: makeup, form, compose
Synonyms: establish, compose                 
Antonyms: destroy, disperse
Sentence: The law constituted new mandate.
4. BAN (noun) : प्रतिबंध
Pronunciation: ban
Meaning: to prohibit especially by legal means
Synonyms: censorship, embargo             
Antonyms: approval, sanction
Sentence:  He put a ban on eating meat in his house.
5. INTENDED (adj.) : अभीष्ट
Pronunciation: uhn·tend·uhd
Meaning: expected to be such in the future
Synonyms: intentional, wilful    
Antonyms: unfixed, unplanned
Sentence:  It was an intended joke.
6. FURNISH (verb) : प्रस्तुत
Pronunciation: fuh·nuhsh
Meaning: to provide with what is needed
Synonyms: dispense, issue                  
Antonyms: receive, deny
Sentence: The ATM furnished the money.
7. SLEW (noun) : निहत
Pronunciation: sloo
Meaning: a large number
Synonyms: aggregation, bunch                 
Antonyms: little, need
Sentence:  There was a slew of currency notes in the bank.
8. INOFFENSIVE (adj.) : निरापद
Pronunciation: in·uh·fens·uhv
Meaning: causing no harm or injury
Synonyms: innocuous, pleasant               
Antonyms: damaging, malicious
Sentence: Your new job is surely inoffensive than the previous one.
9. CONCEAL (verb) : छिपाना
Pronunciation: kuhn·seel
Meaning: to prevent disclosure or recognition of
Synonyms: cover, lurk      
Antonyms: reveal, expose
Sentence: Why are you concealing your identity?
10. TREATMENT (noun) : इलाज
Pronunciation: treet·muhnt
Meaning: the act or manner or an instance of treating someone or something
Synonyms: cure, regimen  
Antonyms: disease, harm
Sentence:  The best treatment is given in this hospital.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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