Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 23 January 2025

Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning.
Happy learning!!!
1.PROLONGING (verb):समय को बढ़ाने
Pronunciation: pruh.lawng.uhng
Meaning: Extending the duration of something beyond normal limits.
Synonyms: Extending, delaying, stretching
Antonyms: Shortening, curtailing, ending
Example: By avoiding consensus, the leader is only prolonging the political crisis.
2. SORDID(adjective):घिनौना
Pronunciation: saw.duhd
Meaning: Involving immoral actions, dishonor, or unpleasant aspects.
Synonyms: Shameful, vile, grimy
Antonyms: Clean, honorable, respectable
Example: The sordid reality of wasting assets came to light after the RTI inquiry.
3.PROFLIGACY(noun): आवारगी
Meaning: Reckless and wasteful use of resources.
Synonyms: Wastefulness, extravagance, lavishness
Antonyms: Frugality, thrift, prudence
Example: The profligacy of the administration in scrapping working locomotives shocked industry experts.
4. REDUNDANT(adjective): अनावश्यक
Pronunciation: ruh.duhn.dnt
Meaning: No longer needed or useful; superfluous.
Synonyms: Obsolete, unnecessary, surplus
Antonyms: Essential, necessary, relevant
Example: The rapid electrification made many diesel engines redundant.
Pronuncation: duh.zi.duh.raa.tuh
Meaning: Things that are wanted or considered necessary.
Synonyms: Requirements, necessities, essentials
Antonyms: Non-essentials, trivialities
Example: Economic sustainability is among the desiderata for the railway’s long-term success.
6. COROLLARY(noun):परिणाम
Meaning: A natural consequence or result.
Synonyms: Consequence, result, outcome
Antonyms: Cause, origin, antecedent
Example: A reduction in crude oil imports is a corollary of the electrification of railways.
7.FRENETIC(adjective): उन्मत्त
Meaning: Fast and energetic in an uncontrolled or frantic way.
Synonyms: Frantic, hectic, feverish
Antonyms: Calm, relaxed, leisurely
Example: The government pursued railway electrification at a frenetic pace, disregarding economic viability.
8.PANTHEON(noun):सब देवताओं का मंदिर
Pronunciation: pan.thee.uhn
Meaning: A group of particularly respected or famous people or concepts.
Synonyms: Elite, legends, luminaries
Antonyms: Unknowns, mediocrity
Example: Electrification has joined the pantheon of universal ideals like sustainable energy.
Pronunciation: hyoo.muhng.guhs
Meaning: Extremely large; enormous.
Synonyms: Gigantic, colossal, massive
Antonyms: Tiny, minuscule, small
Example: The humongous wastage of functional locomotives has raised serious concerns.
10. HEDONISTIC(adjective):सुखवादी
Meaning: devoted to the pursuit of pleasure
Synonyms: sensal , greedy , reckless
Antonyms: sober , continent , temperate
Sentence: His hedonistic lifestyle had severe consequences.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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