Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 23 January 2022


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!
1. PRESCIENT (adj) : पूर्वज्ञान रखनेवाला
Pronunciation: preh•shee•uhnt
Meaning: knowing about event before they taking place
Synonyms: farsighted, forehanded, visionary
Antonyms: careless, heedless, incautious
Sentence: It was a remarkably prescient vision.
2. PLUNGE (verb) : डुबकी
Pronunciation: pluhnj
Meaning: to jump, drop with force
Synonyms: dip, immerse, decline
Antonyms: surface, expand, iIncrease & arise
Sentence: Stock price bounced back after steep plunge earlier this week.
3. PROLONG (adj) : लम्बा
Pronunciation: pruh•laang
Meaning: continuing for a long time
Synonyms: elongatedrag out, attenuate
Antonyms: diminish, reduce, thicken, curtail
Sentence: I don’t want to prolong the class unnecessarily.
4. DILAPIDATED (verb) : तबाह करना, नष्ट होना, ग़बन करना
Pronunciation: duh•la•puh•day•tuhd
Meaning: demolish/deface
Synonyms: ramshackle, tumbledown, run down, decayed
Antonyms:ameliorate, improve, better, upgrade
Sentence: The hotel we stayed in was dilapidated.
5. HEADLONG (adj, adverb) : अननयंत्रित
Pronunciation: hed•laang
Meaning: too quickly / without enough thought
Synonyms: cursory, hasty, quick, rapid
Antonyms: measured, calculated, circumspect
Sentence: I ran headlong for the open door.
6. REIMBURSE (verb) : प्रतिपूर्ति करना
Pronunciation: ree•uhm•burs
Meaning: to pay money back to somebody
Synonyms: refund, repay, reciprocate
Antonyms: deprive, lose, penalise
Sentence: The company will reimburse you for your travelling expenses.
7. DISDAIN (noun) : नतरस्कार
Pronunciation: duhs•dayn
Meaning: the feeling that somebody is not good enough to be respected.
Synonyms: contempt, hate, execration
Antonyms: acceptance, tolerance
Sentence: He turned his head away in disdain.
8. CRONIES (noun) : साथी
Pronunciation: krow•neez
Meaning:  friends or relatives
Synonyms: associate, companions, comrades
Antonyms: antagonists, rivals, competitors
Sentence: He was playing with his cronies.
9. LAUDATORY (adj) : सराहने योग्य, प्रशंसनीय
Pronunciation: laa•duh•taw•ree
Meaning : expressing praise
Synonyms: auditory, predatory, oratory
Antonym: disrespect
Sentence: Her Teaching way is most laudatory among all in the college.
10. EXPLICIT (adj) : स्पष्ट
Pronunciation: uhk•spli•suht
Meaning: making something easy to understand
Synonyms: declared, specific, stated
Antonyms: obscure, incorrect, inaccurate
Sentence: He gave me explicit directions on how to get here.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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