Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 21 January 2025

Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 21 January 2025


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!
1.RESENT(verb) : क्रोध करना
Pronunciation: ruh.zent
Meaning: Feel bitterness or indignation at a circumstance, action, or person.
Synonyms: Begrudge, dislike, envy
Antonyms: Accept, forgive, welcome
Example: He began to resent the constant interruptions during his holiday break.
2. STEEPED(adjective):डूबी
Pronunciation: steept
Meaning: Completely surrounded by or filled with a quality or influence.
Synonyms: Immersed, soaked, saturated
Antonyms: Deprived, lacking, devoid
Example: The traditions were steeped in history, making them deeply meaningful.
Pronunciation: uhk.stra.vuh,gnt
Meaning: Lacking restraint in spending resources; excessive or over-the-top.
Synonyms: Lavish, excessive, luxurious
Antonyms: spare,frugal, economical
Example: Her extravagant holiday decorations were admired by the entire neighborhood.
Pronunciation: pruh.li.fik
Meaning: Producing abundant results, works, or offspring.
Synonyms: Productive, creative, fertile
Antonyms: Unproductive, barren, sparse
Example: The prolific author managed to write several bestsellers in just a few years.
5.BURNOUT(noun):खराब हुए
Pronunciation: buhn.awt
Meaning: A state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress.
Synonyms: Exhaustion, fatigue, weariness
Antonyms: Vitality, energy, enthusiasm
Example: His burnout from overworking made him realize the importance of rest.
6. FRAGILE (adjective):कमज़ोर
Meaning: Easily broken, damaged, or vulnerable.
Synonyms: Delicate, weak, frail
Antonyms: Strong, robust, durable
Example: She felt emotionally fragile after months of stress and overwork.
7.CLICHE(noun):  घिसी-पिटी बात
Pronunciation: klee.shay
Meaning: An overused phrase or idea that lacks originality.
Synonyms: Platitude, stereotype, banality
Antonyms: Originality, novelty, innovation
Example: The phrase "work hard, play hard" has become a cliche in modern workplaces.
8. STRIVING(verb):प्रयास
Pronnciation: strai.ving
Meaning: Making great efforts to achieve or obtain something.
Synonyms: Endeavoring, attempting, struggling
Antonyms: Idling, relaxing, lounging
Example: She was always striving for perfection, which left her feeling drained during the holidays.
Pronunciation: i.nuhn.dayt.uhd
Meaning: To be overwhelmed with a large amount of something, such as tasks or messages.
Synonyms: Overwhelmed, flooded, swamped
Antonyms: Underwhelmed, unburdened, relaxed
Example: She was inundated with holiday requests from friends and family, making it hard to enjoy the season.
10. SUPINE(adjective):लापरवाह
Meaning: lying on your back with your face facing upwards
Synonyms:passive, feeble, docile
Antonyms:capable, effective, defiant
Sentence: He was lying supine on the couch.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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