Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 20 October 2020


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!
1. METAPHYSICAL (adjective) अभौतिक
Pronunciation: meh·tuh·fi·zuh·kl
Meaning: without physical presence
Synonyms: abstract, mystical, spiritual, philosophical, abstruse, supernatural
Antonyms: empirical, factual, physical
Usage: While the girl believes in alternate worlds, her parents view her ideas as metaphysical fancies.
2. GLEE (noun) उल्लास
Pronunciation: glee
Meaning: great delight
Synonyms: delight, pleasure, happiness, joy, elation, cheerfulness, exhilaration
Antonyms: gloom, disappointment
Usage: Smiling with glee, the child unwrapped his birthday gift.
3. INDOLENCE (noun) – आलस
Pronunciation: in·duh·luhns
Meaning: avoidance of activity or exertion
Synonyms: laziness, idleness, procrastination, sloth, inactivity, inaction
Antonyms: diligence
Usage: My failure is probably due to my own indolence.
4. DILIGENT (adjective) – मेहनती
Pronunciation: di·luh·jnt
Meaning: careful in carrying out tasks and duties
Synonyms: industrious, assiduous, conscientious, particular, punctilious, meticulous, painstaking
Antonyms: lazy, casual, careless
Usage: Success always smiles upon people who are diligent.
5. PREJUDICIAL (adjective) हानिकारक
Pronunciation: preh·ju·di·shl
Meaning: harmful to someone or something
Synonyms: harmful, detrimental, damaging, injurious, disadvantageous, hurtful
Antonyms: beneficial, advantageous
Usage: Poor reviews of a product on major sites are prejudicial to the overall sale of the item.
6. PRODUCTIVITY (noun) उत्पादकता
Pronunciation: pro·duhk·ti·vuh·tee
Meaning: a measure for how efficiently well something is working
Synonyms: efficiency, capacity, output, production, yield
Antonyms: inefficiency, unproductivity
Usage: The machine’s productivity has increased since the parts were replaced.
7. RAVENOUS (adjective) क्षुधातुर
Pronunciation: ra·vuh·nuhs
Meaning: extremely hungry
Synonyms: starving, famished, insatiable, hungry, rapacious, avaricious
Antonyms: satisfied, full
Usage: The boys ran in, ravenous after their game.
8. PROLIFERATE (verb) संख्या में बढ़ना
Pronunciation: pruh·li·fuh·reit
Meaning: increase in number
Synonyms: multiply, propagate, burgeon, snowball, escalate
Antonyms: decrease, dwindle, lessen
Usage: Health food shops proliferate in this region.
9. LIONHEART (adjective) शेरदिल
Pronunciation: lai·uhn·haat
Meaning: brave and determined
Synonyms: brave, courageous, valiant, gallant, intrepid, valorous, fearless
Antonyms: cowardly, timid, mousy
Usage: The lionhearted king defeated the enemy with a small army.
10. DEXTERITY (noun) निपुणता
Pronunciation: dek·steh·ruh·tee
Meaning: the ability to perform a task both quickly and skillfully
Synonyms: capability, proficiency, agility, adroitness, nimbleness, ability, skill
Antonyms: clumsiness, stupidity, insensitivity
Usage: The student’s vocal dexterity allows her to sing through many different ranges.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.   
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