Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 20 January 2025

Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 20 January 2025


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!
1.INERTIA(noun) : जड़ता
Meaning:  Lack of movement or activity, especially when change is required.
Synonyms: Sluggishness, apathy, resistance
Antonyms: Activity, dynamism, action
Example: The inertia in the decision-making process delayed the project
2.COMPLACENCY (noun) : शालीनता
Meaning: A feeling of smug satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements.
Synonyms: Self-satisfaction, contentment, apathy
Antonyms: Dissatisfaction, vigilance, concern
Example:Despite having achieved so much, there is still no complacency in the ranks.
3.AFFLUENT(adjective) :  धनी
Pronunciation: a.floo.uhnt
Meaning: Having a great deal of wealth or material goods.
Synonyms: Wealthy, prosperous, rich
Antonyms: Poor, impoverished, underprivileged
Example: The affluent neighborhood was known for its luxurious homes.
4. LOFTY(adjective):  बुलंद
Pronunciation: lawft.ee
Meaning: Of imposing height; also, noble or ambitious in goals or ideals.
Synonyms: Elevated, noble, ambitious
Antonyms: Low, base, modest
Example: The politician's lofty promises inspired hope among the masses.
5. INEVITABILITY (noun):अनिवार्यता
Meaning: The quality of being certain to happen.
Synonyms: Certainty, necessity, inescapability
Antonyms: Uncertainty, improbability
Example: The inevitability of technological change demands constant adaptation.
6. MALFEASANCE (noun):दुराचार
Meaning: Wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
Synonyms: Misconduct, wrongdoing, corruption
Antonyms: Integrity, honesty, righteousness
Example: The mayor was accused of malfeasance after evidence of bribery came to light.
7.INCENDIARY(adjective):  आग लगानेवाला
Pronunciation:  uhn.sen.deeuh.ree
Meaning: Designed to cause fires; tending to stir up conflict.
Synonyms: Inflammatory, provocative, agitational
Antonyms: Calming, soothing, pacifying
Example: The leader's incendiary remarks ignited protests across the city.
8. REBUTTAL(noun):  खंडन
Meaning: A refutation or contradiction.
Synonyms: Refutation, counter-argument, denial
Antonyms: Confirmation, endorsement, agreement
Example: The lawyer's rebuttal effectively dismantled the opposing counsel's argument.
9.ERRANT(adjective):  भटकनेवाला
Pronunciation: eh.ruhnt
Meaning: Straying from the proper course or standards; guilty of an error.
Synonyms: Misguided, wayward, delinquent
Antonyms: Obedient, well-behaved, correct
Example: The errant student was reprimanded for his disruptive behavior in class.
10. ELUSIVE(adjective):  मायावी
Meaning: Difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
Synonyms: Evasive, slippery, difficult to pin down
Antonyms: Accessible, obtainable, straightforward
Example: The elusive thief managed to escape the police once again.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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