Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 20 January 2022


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!
1. DILIGENCE (noun) : लगन, परिश्रम
Pronunciation: di•luh•jns
Meaning: the quality of doing work carefully and thoroughly.
Synonyms: assiduous, industrious, attentive, earnest
Antonyms: idle, ignorant, careless, languid
Sentence: Honesty and Diligence should be your eternal mates.
2. ENCRYPT (verb) : गोपनीय
Pronunciation: uhn•kript
Meaning: to put information into a special form (code) especially in order to stop people understand it
Synonyms: encipher, code, cipher, conceal, encode
Antonyms: decipher, decrypt, decode
Sentence: Your WhatsApp message is fully encrypted and cannot be accessed by other persons.
3. SPRAWLING (adj) : विशाल
Pronunciation: sprawl•uhng
Meaning: Spreading out in different direction
Synonyms: Ramble, Recline, Extending, Spreading
Antonyms: Containing, limiting, Straight
Sentence: The fire is sprawling in all directions.
4. SPUR (noun) : प्रेरणा
Pronunciation: spuh
Meaning: something that encourage you to do something
Synonyms: boost, encourage, impulse, stimulus
Antonyms: repress, discourage, deaden, halt
Sentence: Gandhiji’s speech was powerful spur to action.
5. RELINQUISH (verb) : त्यागना
Pronunciation: ruh•ling•kvuhsh
Meaning: To withdraw or retreat from
Synonyms: give up, cede, deliver, surrender
Antonyms: continue, allow, adopt
Sentence: No one wants to relinquish power once they have it.
6. PROWESS (noun) : कौशल
Pronunciation: prau•uhs
Meaning: great skill at doing something
Synonyms: boldness, gallantry, heroism, courage
Antonyms: inability, ineptitude, cowardice
Sentence: He is always bragging about his prowess as a Cricketer.
7. ARTICULATE (adj) : स्पष्ट
Pronunciation: ar•tic•u•late
Meaning : good at expressing ideas
Synonyms: eloquent, fluent, effective, lucid, persuasive
Antonyms: hesitant, unclear, unintelligible, misrepresented
Sentence: She is an articulate and excellent negotiator.
8. MOOT (verb) : विवादाप्साद
Pronunciation: moot
Meaning: to suggest an idea that is to be considered by people
Synonyms: allude, mention, offer, propose
Antonyms: censor, suppress, silence
Sentence: It’s a moot point whether Farm Bills are better or not.
9. RECONCILE (verb) : समाधान किया
Pronunciation: ri•kuhn•sile
Meaning: to find a way of dealing with two ides, situation etc
Synonyms: conciliate, coordinate, accommodate
Antonyms: confuse, disorder, skew, disrupt
Sentence: How can you reconcile your fur coat with your love of animals?
10. FOSTER (verb) : पोषण
Pronunciation: faw•stuh
Meaning: nurture, to help or encourage of something
Synonyms: cultivate, nourish, raise,
Antonyms: forbid, interdict, proscribe
Sentence: Cultural Exchange will help foster friendly relations between countries.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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