Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 19 September 2021


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!
1. PALTRY (adj) – तुच्छ  
Pronunciation: pal·​try
Meaning: small, meager
Synonyms: paucity, insufficiency, cheap, contemptible
Antonyms: abundance, enough, creditable, laudable
Usage: Although I paid a great deal for the gourmet meal, I only received a paltry amount of food on my plate.
 2.  ALTRUISTIC (noun) – परोपकारी
Pronunciation: al·​tru·​is·​tic
Meaning: showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others
Synonyms: patron, philanthropist, beneficent, benevolent
Antonyms: opponent, antagonist , self-centered, selfish
Usage: His altruistic habits worry his friends are relatives. 
3. CONTEMPORANEOUS (adj) – समसामयिक
Pronunciation: con·​tem·​po·​ra·​ne·​ous
Meaning: existing at or occurring in the same period of time.
Synonyms: simultaneous, contemporary, synchronic, coexisting.
Antonyms: different, separate, coetaneous, coeval
Usage: The contemporaneous court cases for the two defendants.
4. COLTISH (adj) उत्साह से भरा हुआ
Pronunciation: colt·​ish 
Meaning: full of spirit.
Synonyms: lively, playful, cheerful, flirtatious.
 Antonyms: depressed, down, antic, elfish
Usage: The Professor's coltish Daughter regained her adolescent poise, which was considerable.
5. PECKISH (adj) – भूखा 
Pronunciation: peck·​ish 
Meaning: deprived of food.
Synonyms: craving, hungry, dying, emaciated.
Antonyms: satisfied, fed, cranky, fractious
Usage: He felt rather peckish close to bedtime.
6. SARTORIAL (adj) – कपड़ा सीने के विषय का
Pronunciation: sar·​to·​ri·​al
Meaning: pertaining to tailors
Synonyms: stylish, elegant, zooty, impeccable.
Antonyms: frumpy, dumpy, unstylish.
Usage: Today, the sartorial movement is starting to make a comeback.
7. OVERWEENING (adj) – आत्माभिमानी
Pronunciation: over·​ween·​ing 
Meaning: showing excessive confidence or pride
Synonyms: cavalier, haughty, proud
Antonyms: modest, unassuming, complacent, conceited
 Usage: With her overweening ego, the actress expected to be recognized and flattered by everyone she met.
8. REPROOF (noun) फटकार
Pronunciation: re·​proof 
Meaning: an expression of blame or disapproval.
Synonyms: blame, criticism, reprimand, reproach
Antonyms: agreement, approval, acclamation, honor
Usage: There were tears in the poor girl's voice, and she evidently felt her brother's reproof keenly.
9. TUTELARY (adj)  रक्षा करना
Pronunciation: tu·​te·​lary 
Meaning: having the position of guardian or protector of a person, place
Synonyms: guardian, advisory, custodial
Antonyms: careless, inattentive
Usage: It is commonly believed that the negro claims the power of coercing his tutelary deity.
10. CAULK (verb) ठूंसकर बंद करना
Pronunciation: kȯk
Meaning: to stop up and make tight against leakage 
Synonyms: block, barricade, choke, clog
Antonyms: free, loosen, loose, open.
Usage: It only remained to caulk our important task, and this occupied us but a day or two longer.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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