Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 18 January 2021


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!! 

1.PROTEAN (adjective)परिवर्तनशील
Pronunciation: prow•tee•uhn
Meaning: tending or able to change frequently or easily
Synonyms: variable, changeable, mutable, kaleidoscopic, erratic, quicksilver, inconstant
Antonyms: constant, consistent
Usage: George is a protean actor who is capable of playing numerous characters.  
2.ABNEGATE (verb) – अस्वीकार करना
Meaning: renounce or reject something desired or valuable
Synonyms: renounce, reject, refuse, abandon, spurn, abdicate, give up
Antonyms: accept, claim, indulge
Usage: The athlete decided to abnegate the unhealthy snack even though she really wanted to have a bite. 
3.ARCHETYPAL (adjective) – ठेठ
Pronunciation: aa•kuh•tai•pl
Meaning: very typical of a certain kind of person or thing
Synonyms: standard, conventional, classic, model, prime
Antonyms: atypical, unique
Usage: The Beatles were the archetypal pop group.
4.CONCERTED (adjective) – सम्मिलित
Pronunciation: kuhn•suh•tuhd
Meaning: jointly arranged or carried out
Synonyms: joint, united, coordinated, collaborative, collective, combined, cooperative
Antonyms: separate, individual, uncoordinated
Usage: Because of the concerted effort of the allied forces, the war quickly came to an end.
5.HISTRIONIC (adjective) – नाटकीय
Pronunciation: hi•stree•o•nuhk
Meaning: excessively theatrical or dramatic in character or style
Synonyms: melodramatic, theatrical, affected, dramatic, exaggerated, stagy
Antonyms: unaffected, unaltered, unchanged
Usage: The widow’s histrionic screaming made the detectives suspicious. 
6.ANNULMENT (noun) – रद्द करना
Pronunciation: uh•nuhl•muhnt
Meaning: the act of annulling something
Synonyms: voiding, repeal, cancellation, rescinding, reversal, revocation, abolition
Antonyms: restoration, approval, establishment
Usage: He may appeal to the Pope for an annulment of his 24-year marriage.
7.AMELIORATION (noun) – सुधार
Pronunciation: uh•mee•lee•uh•rei•shn
Meaning: the act of making something better
Synonyms: improvement, betterment, enhancement, help, benefit, boost, raising
Antonyms: worsening, degeneration, decline 
Usage: The publishing editor used a grammar enhancing program to help with the amelioration of editing the article.
8.UNBECOMING (adjective) – अनुपयुक्त
Pronunciation: uhn•buh•kuh•muhng
Meaning: not fitting or appropriate
Synonyms: inappropriate, unfitting, unbefitting, unsuitable, unsuited, inapt
Antonyms: becoming, proper, appropriate
Usage: It is unbecoming to go on hating an enemy like this once a conflict is over. 

9.IMPERTURBABLE (adjective) – अविचलित
Pronunciation: im•puh•tuh•buh•bl
Meaning: unable to be upset or excited
Synonyms: composed, collected, calm, cool, poised, tranquil, serene
Antonyms: edgy, excitable, irritable
Usage: She was one of those imperturbable people who never get angry or upset.
10.EXTORTIONATE (adjective) – हद से ज़्यादा                       
Pronunciation: uhk•staw•shuh•nuht
Meaning: excessively expensive
Synonyms: exorbitant, excessive, outrageous, preposterous, immoderate, unreasonable
Antonyms: decent, reasonable, acceptable
Usage: The prices in this shop are extortionate.  
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.   
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