Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 16 September 2021


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning !!!
1. RANCOUR (noun) विद्वेष
Pronunciation: ran·​cor
Meaning: bitterness or resentfulness
Synonyms: hatred, hate, spite,hostility,resentment,bitterness,grudge
Antonyms: amiability, amicability, civility, cordiality, friendliness
Usage: She answered her accusers calmly and without rancour.
2. EXTRADITION (noun) प्रत्यर्पण 
Pronunciation: ex·​tra·​di·​tion
Meaning: The action of eradicating a person accused or convicted of a crime
Synonyms: banishment, deportation, displacement, exile, expatriation, expulsion, relegation
Antonyms: banishment, deportation, displacement, exile,
Usage: He is being imprisoned while awaiting possible extradition to the United States.
3. LIKEN (verb) मिलाना
Pronunciation: lik·​en
Meaning: point out the resemblance of someone or something to.
Synonyms: analogize, assimilate, bracket, compare, equate
Antonyms: differentiate, discern, discriminate, distinguish, separate
Usage: The disappointed travelers liken the horrible trip to going to a beach with no water.
4. OASIS (noun) सहारा
Pronunciation: oa·​sis
Meaning: a fertile spot in a desert, where water is found.
Synonyms: asylum, bolt-hole, harbor, harborage, haven, refuge, retreat, sanctuary, sanctum, shelter
Antonyms: disarrangement, dishevelment, messiness, muss
Usage: Ribbon Falls, a sacred site of the Zuni people, is an incredible green oasis in the sea of red.
5ENDURE (verb) – सहना
Pronunciation: en·​dure
Meaning: suffer patiently
Synonyms: absorb, accept, bear, bide
Antonyms: contest, fight, oppose, resist
Usage: I cannot endure any more, he said, and left the room.
6. INSULATE (verb) बचाने
Pronunciation: in·​su·​late
Meaning: Protect (someone or something) from unpleasant influences or experirnces
Synonyms: separation, nonconductor, insulant , furring, protecting,
Antonyms: associate, connect, join, link, unite
Usage: Texas prohibits abortions after six weeks and, equally significant for judicial review, appears to insulate state officials from lawsuits over its unconstitutionality.
7. BACKPEDAL (verb) लाड़ प्यार करना
Pronunciation: back·​ped·​al
Meaning: move hastily backwards
Synonyms: fall back, back, backtrack, retreat, retrocede, retrograde
Antonyms: adhering (to), following through (with), complying (with), fulfilling, honoring
Usage: The Government are back-pedalling on their election promises.
8. UNFATHOMABLE (adj) अथाह
Pronunciation: un·​fath·​om·​able
Meaning: Incapable of being fully explored or understood
Synonyms: incalculable, incomputable, inestimable, innumerable
Antonyms: fathomable, measurable, depthless, shallow, superficial
Usage: We are moving into depths that are unfathomable.
9. ASSENT (noun) अनुमति
Pronunciation: as·​sent
Meaning: the expression of approval or agreement.
Synonyms: accede, acquiesce, agree, consent, and subscribe
Antonyms: rebuff, refuse, reject, scorn
Usage: She murmured her assent and that ended the conversation.
10. EGREGIOUS (adj) प्रबल
Pronunciation: egre·​gious
Meaning: outstandingly bad; shocking.
Synonyms: shocking, horrific, terrible, frightful, horrendous
Antonym: marvellous
Usage: Egregious errors were caused by the tablet's failure to check spelling.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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