Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 13 April 2024

Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 13 April 2024


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!
1. CONFRONTATION (noun): आमना-सामना
Pronunciation: kawn•fruhnt•ay•shn
Meaning: a hostile or argumentative meeting or situation between opposing parties.
Synonyms: conflict, clash
Antonyms: concord, harmony, peace
Sentence: The government was dragged willy-nilly into the confrontation.
2.CRUCIFY (verb) : आलोचना करना
Pronunciation: kroo•suh•fai
Meaning: criticize (someone) severely and unrelentingly.
Synonyms: condemn, criticize severely, denounce
Antonyms: commend, endorse
Sentence: He’s going to crucify me when he finds out what I’ve done!
3.ACCRUE (verb) : उपाजित होना
Pronunciation: uh•kroo
Meaning: (of sums of money or benefits) be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time.
Synonyms: result, arise, follow
Antonyms:: abate, decline, diminish
Sentence: A penny-pincher who is accruing a fortune by spending next to nothing.
4.IRATE (adj.) : क्रुद्ध
Pronunciation: ai•rayt
Meaning: feeling or characterized by great anger.
Synonyms: angry, furious, infuriated
Antonyms: calm, delighted, pleased
Sentence: We have received some irate phone calls from customers.
5.PAUPER (noun) : कंगाल
Pronunciation: paw•puh
Meaning: a very poor person.
Synonyms: poor person, indigent, bankrupt
Antonyms: affluent, billionaire, tycoon
Sentence: He did die a pauper and is buried in an unmarked grave.
6.HANKER (verb) : लालायित होना
Pronunciation: hank·er
Meaning: feel a strong desire for or to do something.
Synonyms: yearn, long, desire
Antonyms: be averse, aversion
Sentence: She hankered to go back.
7.INUNDATION (noun) : सैलाब
Pronunciation: i•nuhn•day•shn
Meaning: a great flow of water or of something that overwhelms
Synonyms: overflow, deluge, torrent
Antonyms: drought, dribble, drip
Sentence: The family’s shed was washed away in the last inundation.
8.PRATTLING (verb) : बकवास
Pronunciation: pra•tuhl•uhng
Meaning: talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way.
Synonyms: chatter, babble, prate
Antonyms: articulating, enunciating
Sentence: The villagers are prattling on about the village gossip.
9.FAMISHED (adj.) : भूखों मरना
Pronunciation: fa•muhsht
Meaning: feeling a desire or need for food
Synonyms: empty, hungry, peckish
Antonyms: engorged, glutted, gorged
Sentence: After a full day of skiing, I was feeling absolutely famished.
10.RETICENCE (noun) : अल्पभाषिता
Pronunciation: reh•tuh•sns
Meaning: the quality of being reticent; reserve.
Synonyms: reserve, introversion, restraint
Antonyms: expansiveness
Sentence: His reticence about his past made them very suspicious.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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