Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 11 December 2024

Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 11 December 2024


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!
1.APATHY (noun) – उदासीनता
Pronunciation: a.puh.thee
Meaning: lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern
Synonyms: affectlessness, emotionlessness, impassiveness, impassivity
Antonyms: compassion, empathy, pity, sympathy
Usage: That is evidenced in the apathy of Democrats toward the Sept. 14 recall election.
2.ERADICATE (VERB) – उन्मूलन
Pronunciation: uh.ra.duh.kayt
Meaning: destroy completely; put an end to
Synonyms: annihilate ,clean (up), erase, sweep (away), wipe out
Antonyms: renovate, mend, frame
Usage: The non-profit organization, founded by Sonia Jackson Myles, empowers young women to eradicate bullying and violence.
3. OUTLAW (verb) – डाकू
Pronunciation: awt·​law
Meaning: a person excluded from the benefit or protection of the law.
Synonyms: criminalize, illegalize
Antonyms: decriminalize, legalize
Usage: Billy the Kid was one of the most famous outlaws of America's early history.
4. REPRESSIVE (adj) – दमनकारी
Pronunciation: ruh.pres.uhv
Meaning: (especially of a social or political system) inhibiting or restraining personal freedom.
Synonyms: restrictive, authoritarian, autocratic, difficult
Antonyms: cathartic, purificatory, meaningful, significant
Usage: The emperor had returned to Bismarcks policy of joining social reform with repressive legislation.
5.CLAMOUR (verb) – शोर मचाना
Pronunciation: clam·​our
Meaning: (of a group of people)shout loudly and insistently
Synonyms: loud noise, uproar, tumult, babel, shouting,
Antonyms: calm, order, peace, silence
Usage: He raised a hand to still the clamour.
6. RESENT(verb) – नाराज़ करना
Pronunciation: ruh.zent
Meaning: Feel bitterness or indignation at(a circumstance,action, or person)
Synonyms: repel, resist, rebel, recalcitrate,
Antonyms: acquiesce, submit, condone, pardon, overlook
Usage: The children resented the new woman in their father's life.
7.RIVETING (verb) – दिलचस्प
Pronunciation: ri.vuh.tuhng
Meaning: Completely engrossing
Synonyms: absorbing, arresting, consuming, interesting
Antonyms: boring, drab, dry, dull
Usage: A riveting explanation of light waves that fascinated the class.
8.APPREHENSIVE(adj) – भयभीत
Pronunciation: a. pruh.hens.uhv
Meaning: Anxious or fearful that something bador unpleasant will happen
Synonyms:  aware , wary, vigilant
Antonyms: definite, sure, at ease, quiet.
Usage: I'm very apprehensive about tomorrow's meeting.
9.TALISMAN (noun) – करिश्मा 
Pronunciation: ta.luhz.muhn
Meaning: an object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune.
Synonyms: amulet, charm, fetish (also fetich), mascot
Antonyms: hoodoo, jinx
Usage: A pendant of white nephrite jade is often worn by Indians as a talisman to ward off heart disease.
10. FORAY (noun) – धावा
Pronunciation: foh.ray
Meaning: a sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory, especially to obtain something; a raid.
Synonyms: descent, incursion, inroad, invasion
Antonyms: flight, retreat, recall, decampment
Usage: My foray into rugby ended with my spending a week in the hospital.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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