Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 11 April 2021


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!        
1.GRIN (verb) मुसकुराना
Pronunciation: grin
Meaning: smile broadly
Synonyms: smile, beam, smirk, crack, simper
Antonyms: frown, scowl, glare
Usage: She had a big grin on her face. 
2.LEGITIMATE (adjective) – वैध, कानूनी
Pronunciation: li·jit·uh·mit
Meaning: conforming to the law or to rules
Synonyms: authentic, legal, lawful, licit, valid, legit
Antonyms: illegal, illegitimate, fraudulent
Usage: Because William did not think the terms of the contract were legitimate, he spoke to his lawyer before signing the agreement.
3.COMPLY (verb) – पालन ​​​​करना
Pronunciation: kuhm·plai
Meaning: act in accordance with a wish or command
Synonyms: observe, obey, follow, fulfill, meet
Antonyms: ignore, disobey, deny
Usage: He warned that any firm which failed to comply with the new rules and standards would face penalties.     
4.UNRAVEL (verb) – सुलझाना
Pronunciation: uhn·ra·vl
Meaning: investigate and solve
Synonyms: solve, resolve, explain, unriddle, disclose
Antonyms: entangle, complicate, question
Usage: Scientists continue to unravel the mysteries of human genes.
5.NIFTY (adjective) प्रशस्त
Pronunciation: nif·tee
Meaning: particularly good, skilful, or effective
Synonyms: skilful, capable, agile, useful, effective, practical
Antonym: clumsy
Usage: It's a nifty computer game that teaches math skills.
6.PANORAMIC (adjective) व्यापक
Pronunciation: pa·nuh·ra·muhk
Meaning: with a wide view surrounding the observer
Synonyms: sweeping, wide, extensive, scenic, commanding, broad, overall
Antonyms: restricted, narrow, limited
Usage: As I stood on top of the mountain, I could spot seven different states from this panoramic view.   
7.EXHORT (verb) – प्रोत्साहित करना
Pronunciation: uhg·zawt
Meaning: to strongly urge someone to do something
Synonyms: urge, encourage, enjoin, adjure
Antonyms: discourage, deter, dissuade
Usage: A good leader will exhort people to achieve their own forms of greatness rather than try to force them on a certain path.
8.ENLIVEN (verb)  सजीव करना, जान डालना
Pronunciation: uhn·lai·vn
Meaning: make something more entertaining, interesting, or appealing
Synonyms: improve, enhance, season, leaven, revitalize
Antonyms: damage, depress
Usage: Humor can help enliven a dull subject.
9.MELLIFLUOUS (adjective) सुमधुर
Pronunciation: muh·li·floo·uhs
Meaning: pleasingly smooth and musical to hear
Synonyms: dulcet, honeyed, mellow, soft, liquid, soothing, smooth
Antonyms: cacophonous, harsh
Usage: The singer with the mellifluous voice will win the talent contest. 
10.CROOKED (adjective) – वक्र
Pronunciation: kru·kid
Meaning: bent or twisted out of shape or out of place
Synonyms: bent, curved, twisted, contorted, warped
Antonym: straight
Usage: His teeth were yellow and crooked.      
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.   
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