Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 10 June 2021


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!   
1.Dormant (adj) - निष्क्रिय
Pronunciation: daw•muhnt
Meaning: temporarily inactive or inoperative
Synonyms: dozing, napping, resting, sleeping, hypnotized, mesmerized
Antonyms: aroused, astir, awakened, reawakened, revived
Usage: These investments have remained dormant for several years.

2.Truculent (adj) - लड़ाकू
Pronunciation: truh•kyoo•luhnt
Meaning: having a bad state of mind or behaving in a threatening manner
Synonyms: aggressive, agonistic, argumentative, confrontational, grumpy, huffy
Antonyms: amiable, amicable, benevolent, complaisant, pacific, peaceable
Usage: He became very truculent and started arguing with me angrily.

3.Bounteous (adj) - भरा-पूरा
Pronunciation: bawn•tee•uhs
Meaning: large or generous in amount
Synonyms: abundant, ample, blooming, overflowing, plump, adequate, enough
Antonyms: deficient, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, wanting
Usage: Because of the spring rains, the farmers had a bounteous crop.

4.Quintessential (noun) - सर्वोत्कृष्ट
Pronunciation: kvin•tuh•sen•shl
Meaning: representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
Synonyms: classic, definitive, exemplary, imitable, sensational, splendid
Antonyms: substandard, unsatisfactory, atrocious, execrable, vile, wretched
Usage: Indeed, dance is the quintessential gesture language.

5.Reverberate (verb) - गूंजना
Pronunciation: ruh•vuh•buh•reit
Meaning: ( of a place) to seem to shake because of a loud noise
Synonyms: echo, reecho, resonate, resound, sound
Antonyms: damp, dampen, deaden, dull, quiet
Usage: The traumas of the last week will reverberate through history.

6.Consecrate (verb) - ज्ञान देना
Pronunciation: kawn•suh•kreit
Meaning: devote ( something) exclusively to a particular purpose.
Synonyms: adored, enshrined, glorified, revered, venerated
Antonyms: earthly, mundane, profane, secular, temporal
Usage: This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of soldiers who died here.

7.Stint (noun) -  कार्यकाल
Pronunciation: stint
Meaning: a person`s fixed or allotted period of work
Synonyms: duration, standing, time, cycle, span, spell, stretch
Antonyms: apportion, assign, distribute, lot, dispense, divide
Usage: He did a stint abroad early in his career.

8.Indelible (adj) - अमिट
Pronunciation: uhn•deh•luh•bl
Meaning: impossible to forget or remove
Synonyms: memorable, unforgettable, notable, noteworthy, remarkable
Antonyms: unremarkable, forgettable, delible, destructible, erasable
Usage: The blood had left an indelible mark on her shirt.

9.Elucidate (verb) -  स्पष्ट करना
Pronunciation: uh•loo•suhd•eit
Meaning: make something clear; explain
Synonyms: construe, demonstrate, decipher, decode, analyze , break down
Antonyms: befog, cloud, confound, confuse, obfuscate
Usage: The aim of the report is to elucidate the main points of the new regulations.

10.Tranquil (adj) - शांत
Pronunciation: trang•kvl
Meaning: free from distrubance
Synonyms: arcadian, calm, hushed, peaceful, placid, noiseless, silent
Antonyms: crazy, tempestuous, wild, piercing, roaring, thundering
Usage: She stared at the tranquil surface of the water.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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