Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 04 March 2021


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!        
1.ESCALATE (verb) तीव्र करना
Pronunciation: eh·skuh·leit
Meaning: to make stronger
Synonyms: increase, intensify, expand, grow, heighten, mount, raise
Antonyms: decline, decrease, diminish
Usage: We do not want to escalate the war.
2.CLEFT (adjective) विदीर्ण
Pronunciation: kleft
Meaning: split, divided, or partially divided into two
Synonyms: separated, split, broken, cloven, cracked, parted, perforated
Antonyms: united, connected, whole
Usage: The wooden door had been cleft in two.
3.DESTINED (adjective) निर्धारित
Pronunciation: deh·stnd
Meaning: certain to meet
Synonyms: coming, designed, intended, meant, certain, predesigned, doomed
Antonyms: distant, remote, unsettled
Usage: Because his father and grandfather were both surgeons, it seemed that Johnathan was destined to be a doctor as well.
4.CONSTITUTIONAL (adjective) संवैधानिक
Pronunciation: kon·stuh·choo·shuh·nuhl
Meaning: relating to an established set of principles governing a state
Synonyms: lawful, legal, statutory, approved, chartered, ensured
Antonyms: unlawful, illegal
Usage: Freedom of speech is our constitutional right.
5.DASH (verb) दौड़ना
Pronunciation: bash
Meaning: to run somewhere in a hurry
Synonyms: rush, race, run, sprint, bolt, dart, spurt
Antonyms: dawdle, walk
Usage: He made frantic dash for the departing train.  
6.BIZARRE (adjective) – विचित्र
Pronunciation: buh·zaa
Meaning: very strange or unusual
Synonyms: strange, peculiar, odd, funny, curious, offbeat, outlandish, eccentric
Antonyms: common, ordinary, normal
Usage: The bizarre movie we watched last night was so odd we left the theater in stunned silence.
7.TREMENDOUSLY (adverb) अत्यधिक
Pronunciation: truh·men·duh·slee  
Meaning: to a very great extent  
Synonyms: enormously, largely, hugely, exceedingly, excessively, extremely
Antonyms: slightly, negligibly, nominally
Usage: The business is tremendously profitable.     
8.COSMOPOLITAN (adjective) सर्वदेशीय
Pronunciation: koz·muh·po·luh·tn
Meaning: including people from many different countries
Synonyms: international, multiracial, worldwide, global, universal, worldly
Antonyms: particular, specific, provincial
Usage: Jamaica is a very cosmopolitan island.
9.PIONEERING (adjective) – पथप्रदर्शक
Pronunciation: pai·uh·neeuh·ruhng
Meaning: being the first to do or use a new idea
Synonyms: groundbreaking, trailblazing, innovative, trendsetting, revolutionary
Antonyms: terminating, concluding
Usage: One of Australia's pioneering women aviators learnt to fly in the 1930s.
10.ARTISTIC (adjective)  कलात्मक
Pronunciation: aa·ti·stuhk
Meaning: being skilled in creative activity
Synonyms: creative, imaginative, inventive, artful, crafty, original, expressive
Antonyms: unimaginative, inelegant, unoriginal
Usage: His artistic talents were wasted in his boring job.  
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration
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