Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 03 February 2023

Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 03 February 2023


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!
1. POTENCY (noun) : शक्ति
Pronunciation: poh•tuhn•see
Meaning: the power of something to influence or make an impression.
Synonyms: powerfulness, vigor, strength
Antonyms: weakness, impotence, powerlessness
Sentence: Because of its high potency, the herb can make people act in strange ways.
2. PENURY (noun) : दरिद्रता
Pronunciation: peh•nyoo•ree
Meaning: extreme poverty
Synonyms: pennilessness, impecuniousness, neediness
Antonyms: wealth, plenty, sufficiency
Sentence: He died in a state of virtual penury.
3. ELAPSE (verb) : बीतना
Pronunciation: uh•laps
Meaning: (of time) pass or go by.
Synonyms: pass, go by/past, proceed
Antonyms: continue, extend, prolong
Sentence: So a week or so may elapse between the first and the last eggs hatching.
4. UNAMBIGUOUS (adj.) : स्पष्ट
Pronunciation: uhn•am•buh•gyoo•uhs
Meaning: not open to more than one interpretation.
Synonyms: obvious, plain, apparent
Antonyms: ambiguous, indefinite, vague
Sentence: Instructions should be unambiguous.
5. SCREECH (verb) : फटा आवाज़
Pronunciation: skreech
Meaning: (of a person or animal) give a loud, harsh, piercing cry.
Synonyms: shriek, squeal, squawk
Antonyms: murmur, mutter, whisper
Sentence: She hit her brother, causing him to screech with pain.
6. POSTERITY (noun) : भावी पीढ़ी
Pronunciation: paw•steh•ruh•tee
Meaning: all future generations of people.
Synonyms: successors, next generation, the future
Antonyms: ancestor, antecedent, past
Sentence: The victims’ names are recorded for posterity.
7. DEFUNCT (adj.) : मृत
Pronunciation: duh•fuhngkt
Meaning: no longer existing or functioning.
Synonyms: non-existent, faded, moribund
Antonyms: alive, existent, living
Sentence: After being hit by a hurricane, the entire neighborhood was defunct.
8. NOTORIETY (noun) : बदनामी
Pronunciation: noh•tuh•rai•uh•tee
Meaning: the state of being famous or well known for some bad quality or deed.
Synonyms: infamy, bad reputation, disrepute
Antonyms: obscurity, esteem, honor
Sentence: His comment about the President has given him notoriety.
9. SEER (noun) : पैग़ंबर
Pronunciation: ˈsir
Meaning: a person who is supposed to be able, through supernatural insight, to see what the future holds.
Synonyms: prophet, prophetess, sibyl
Antonyms: muggle, common, mundane.
Sentence: A seer had foretold that the earl would assume the throne.
10. FUTILE (adj.) : व्यर्थ
Pronunciation: fyoo•tile
Meaning: incapable of producing any useful result
Synonyms: pointless, useless, worthless
Antonyms: productive, profitable, effective
Sentence: It would be futile to protest.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.
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