Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 02 March 2021


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!        
1.CHARY (adjective) सावधान
Pronunciation: cheuh·ree
Meaning: characterized by great cautious and wariness
Synonyms: wary, careful, cautious, circumspect, heedful, careful, guarded
Antonyms: careless, hasty, incautious
Usage: You should be chary of investing any money in such a risky venture.
2.OUTSTRIP (verb)  आगे बढ़ना
Pronunciation: awt·strip
Meaning: to move further
Synonyms: outrun, surpass, exceed, outdo, overtake, transcend, excel
Antonyms: lose, fail, surrender
Usage: We outstripped all our competitors in sales last year.
3.EXTEMPORE (adjective) अचिंतित
Pronunciation: uhk·stem·puh·ree
Meaning: spoken or done without preparation
Synonyms: impromptu, spontaneous, unscripted, extemporary, improvised
Antonyms: rehearsed, planned, scripted
Usage: Dr. King’s extempore speech to the crowd was not memorized, but from the heart.
4.OCCLUDE (verb) रोक देना
Pronunciation: uh·kloo·duhd
Meaning: stop, close up, or obstruct
Synonyms: block, prevent, hinder, choke, clog, close, congest
Antonyms: aid, assist
Usage: It is quite dangerous when blood clots occlude the flow of oxygen in the human body.
5.UNDENIABLE (adjective) अखंडनीय
Pronunciation: uhn·duh·nai·uh·bl
Meaning: unable to be denied or disputed
Synonyms: certain, evident, obvious, indisputable, indubitable, unquestionable, clear
Antonyms: disputable, refutable, questionable
Usage: The young artist has an undeniable talent for acting that is recognized by everyone at his school.   
6.MUSTER (verb) – एकत्र करना
Pronunciation: muh·stuh
Meaning: to gather collectively
Synonyms: assemble, marshal, mobilize, rally, raise, summon, gather
Antonyms: disperse, division, separation
Usage: At the sound of the trumpet, the troops muster in standard formation.
7.DISSENTIENT (adjective) विमत, असहमत
Pronunciation: duh·sen·shnt
Meaning: opposing the majority
Synonyms: dissenting, opposing, rebelling, dissident, disagreeing, contradicting,
Antonyms: agreeing, favorable
Usage: Though several dissentient home owners opposed the building of the mall, most of the people welcomed it.       
8.TRANSMUTE (verb) – परिवरतित करना
Pronunciation: tranz·myoot
Meaning: change in form, nature, or substance
Synonyms: change, alter, adapt, modify, transform, transfigure, convert
Antonyms: preserve, keep, stagnate
Usage: After years of therapy, the woman was able to transmute her negative thoughts into positive ones.
9.RIDDLE (noun) पहेली
Pronunciation: ri·dl
Meaning: a difficult problem
Synonyms: puzzle, complexity, conundrum, dilemma, enigma, mystery, quandary
Antonyms: solution, simplicity
Usage: Scientists may have solved the riddle of Saturn's rings.  
10.GLOBALIZATION (noun) – वैश्वीकरण
Pronunciation: glow·buh·lai·zei·shn
Meaning: the process by which businesses begin operating worldwide
Synonyms: proliferation, development, extension, growth, maturation
Antonym: nationalization
Usage: We must take advantage of the increased globalization of the commodity trading business.
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration
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