IBPS SO 2020 Recruitment Notification Out

IBPS SO 2020 Recruitment Notification Out
The Institute of Banking Personnel (IBPS) has released official notification regarding the IBPS SO Recruitment 2020-21 to hire candidates for the post of Specialist Officer(SO). The online registration for IBPS SO 2020 will begin on 2nd November 2020 and ends on 23rd November 2020. The IBPS SO Exam is conducted for recruiting candidates for the posts of Specialist Officers in the field of IT Officer, Agricultural Field Officer, Rajbhasha Adhikari, Law Officer, HR/ Personnel Officer, and Marketing Officer. The details of the Recruitment Notification are provided below.
IBPS SO 2020 Important Dates (Tentative)
The IBPS SO Exam dates are provided below according to the IBPS Calendar 2020-21. These dates are tentative and subject to any change by the authority.
The IBPS SO Exam dates are provided below according to the IBPS Calendar 2020-21. These dates are tentative and subject to any change by the authority.
Event |
Tentative Dates |
IBPS SO Online Registration Starts From |
02nd Nov 2020 |
Last Date to Apply Online for IBPS SO |
23rd Nov 2020 |
Date of IBPS SO Preliminary Exam |
26th and 27th Dec 2020 |
Commencement of IBPS SO Mains Exam |
24th Jan 2021 |
Conduct of Interview |
Feb 2021 |
IBPS SO 2020 Vacancies
As per the Official Recruitment Notification released by IBPS, there are 647 vacancies for IBPS SO 2020-21
As per the Official Recruitment Notification released by IBPS, there are 647 vacancies for IBPS SO 2020-21
S.no. | Post | Vacancies |
1. | I.T. Officer (Scale-I) | 20 |
2. | Agricultural Field Officer (Scale-I) | 485 |
3. | Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale-I) | 25 |
4. | Law Officer (Scale-I) | 50 |
5. | HR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I) | 07 |
6. | Marketing Officer (Scale-I) | 60 |
Total | 647 |
Educational Qualification (As on 23 November 2020)
1. I.T. Officer (Scale-I)
4 year Engineering/Technology Degree or PG in CS/CA/IT/EE/EC/Electronics & Instrumentation/ Electronics & Telecommunications OR
Graduate having passed DOEACC ‘B’ level
2. Agricultural Field Officer (Scale-I)
4 year Degree (graduation) in Agriculture/ Agricultural Biotechnology/ Horticulture/ Forestry/ Food Science/ Animal Husbandry/Veterinary Science/ Dairy Science/ Fishery Science/ Pisciculture/ Agri. Marketing & Co./ Co-operation & Banking/ Agro-Forestry/ Agriculture Business Management/ Food Tech./ Dairy Tech./ Agricultural Engineering/ Sericulture.
3. Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale-I)
PG Degree in Hindi with English as a core subject OR
PG Degree in Sanskrit with English & Hindi as core subjects.
4. Law Officer (Scale-I)
Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LLB) and enrolled as an advocate with Bar Council.
5. HR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I)
Graduate and 2 Years Full-time PG degree or 2 Years Full-time PG Diploma in Personnel Management /Industrial Relations/HR/HRD/Social Work /Labour Law.
6. Marketing Officer (Scale-I)
Graduate and 2 Years Full-time MMS (Marketing)/ 2 Years Full-time MBA (Marketing)/ 2 Years Full-time PGDBA / PGDBM/ PGPM/ PGDM with specialization in Marketing.
Age Limit
The age of the applicant must range from anywhere between 20 to 30 years as on 1st November, 2020.
The age of the applicant must range from anywhere between 20 to 30 years as on 1st November, 2020.
Application Fee
The exam fee for the post of IBPS Specialist Officer is mentioned below. The application fee has to be paid online.
The exam fee for the post of IBPS Specialist Officer is mentioned below. The application fee has to be paid online.
Application Fee
General & Others
Rs. 850/-
Rs. 175/-
Selection Process
IBPS SO selection procedure includes the following stages. The Preliminary exam will be conducted by IBPS, which will be followed by the Mains Exam.
IBPS SO selection procedure includes the following stages. The Preliminary exam will be conducted by IBPS, which will be followed by the Mains Exam.
Preliminary exam
Mains exam
The IBPS SO Prelims is qualifying in nature. The marks obtained in the mains exam and interview are added for the final selection. It is very important to perform well in the mains exam as well as in an interview to get the final selection.
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