IBPS SO 2020 Pre Exam Analysis - 26th December (1st Shift)
IBPS has conducted the preliminary examination for the recruitment of Specialist Officer and the level of the exam was moderate. We are here providing you the exam review for the post of Agriculture field Officer and for the exam of this post there were the following sections- Quantiative Aptitude, Reasoning, and English.
IBPS SO Exam Analysis 2020: Good Attempts
Subject |
Good Attempt | Level |
English Language | 31 to 36 | Moderate |
Reasoning Ability | 27 to 33 | Moderate to Difficult |
Quantitative Aptitude | 34 to 39 | Moderate |
Total | 92 to 108 | Moderate |
IBPS SO Exam 2020: Section-wise Analysis
Quantitative Aptitude
This section had 50 questions. The level of Quantitative Aptitude section was Moderate.
Topic | Level | No. of Questions |
Data Interpretataion | 15 | Moderate |
Missing Number Series | 5 | Moderate |
Approximation | 5 | Easy – Moderate |
Qudratic Equation | 5 | Moderate |
Data Suffieciency | 5 | Moderate |
Aritematic | 15 | Moderate |
Total | 50 | Moderate |
English Language
This section had 50 questions and the overall level of difficulty was Moderate.
Topic | No. of Questions | Level |
Reading Comprehension | 19 | Moderate |
Error Detection | 3 | Moderate |
Identify the correct sentence | 3 | Moderate |
Cloze Test | 10 | Easy-Moderate |
Fillers | 5 | Easy-Moderate |
Word Swap | 5 | Moderate |
Pharasal Verb | 5 | Moderate |
Total | 50 | Moderate |
Reasoning Ability
This section had 50 questions and the overall level of difficulty was Moderate.
Topic | No. of Questions | Level |
Puzzles and Seating Arrangement | 25 | Difficult |
Syllogism( 3 questions of only-a-few type) | 5 | Moderate to Difficult |
Blood Relation | 1 | Moderate to Difficult |
Machine Input Output | 5 | Moderate to Difficult |
Direction Sense | 3 | Easy |
Inequality | 5 | Moderate to Difficult |
Data Sufficiency | 2 | Moderate to Difficult |
Logical Reasoning | 3 | Difficult |
Number Based Order and Ranking | 1 | Easy |
Total | 50 | Moderate to Difficult |