
Here we are discussing about the complete syllabus of Professional knowledge in IT Officer Exam. Some important books for IT Officer that are given below -

  • Fundamentals of computers
  • Computer Network
  • Operating System
  • Programming Languages( Like C,C++,Java)
  • Data Structures
  • Compiler Design
  • Data Base Management System
  • Software Engineering
  • Computer Architecture & Organisation

IBPS Specialist Officer (IT Officer) Syllabus can be further classified as given below :

1. Data Communication and Networking

  • Data Communication: Components of a data communication – Data flow: simplex mode , half duplex mode and full duplex mode. Network Topologies: Star, Bus, Ring, Mesh, Hybrid, Tree, Advantages and Disadvantages of each topology.
  • Types of Networks: LAN, MAN ,WAN ,PAN,VAN, CAN ,Internet ,Intranet ,Extranet, Client-Server, Peer To Peer Networks.
  • Transmission Media: Guided Media – Twisted pair, Coaxial, Fiber optics. Unguided Media,Radio waves , Infrared , LOS ,VSAT ,cabling and standards
  • Network devices: Hub, Switch, Router, Repeater (Wired and Wireless), Gateway, Bridge, Modem
  • Network Models: OSI Model and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) – layered architecture, functions of all layers. IEEE 802 standards for LAN & MAN & their comparison. Ethernet, Wireless LANs, Broadband Wireless, IP protocol, IP Addresses, Comparative study of IPv4 & IPv6,

2. Operating System

  • Introduction to operting System,Types of Operating System, Buffering & Spooling, File concepts, access methods, allocation methods, directory systems, protection, organization, sharing & implementation issues.
  • Process Management: process Concept, Process Control Blocks (PCB), Scheduling criteria Preemptive & non Preemptive process scheduling, Scheduling algorithms,threads, Semaphores, and classical problems of synchronization,
  • Memory Managments: Memory Hierarchy, logical and physical address space, swapping, contiguous and non-contiguous allocation, paging, segmentation, Concepts of virtual memory, Cache Memory Organization, demand paging, page replacement algorithms, allocation of frames, thrashing, demand segmentation.
  • Security & Threats Protection: Security violation through Parameter, Computer Worms & Virus, Security Design Principle, Authentications, Protection Mechanisms.

3. Database Management System

  • Introduction of Database : Need for Database, Advantages and disadvantages of using a database. Functions of DBMS, Components of a database, Comparison between Database and file-processing systems, Data dictionary, Data abstraction, Data independence ,Logical and Physical data independence.
  • Data Base Architecture: Three level architecture ,Hierarchical, Networking, Relational Data Models (E-R Model, E-R Diagrams, EER Model), Advantages and Disadvantages of each model,Database Administration, DBA Tasks, DBA Tools ,Backup and Recovery.Introduction to Data warehousing and Data mining.
  • Relational Structure : Characteristics of Relational Database Model , CODD’s rules, Tables (Relations), Rows (Tuples), Domains, Attributes, Extension, Intention. Keys: Candidate Key, Primary Key, Foreign Key, Super Keys, Unique Keys.
  • Data Constraints: Referential Integrity Constraints, Entity Integrity Constraints, Constraints like Primary key constraint, Unique, Check constraint strong Entity, Weak Entity. Normalization- Introduction – Purpose of Normalization – Definition of Functional Dependence (FD) Relational database Design, – Normal forms: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4Nf and 5 NF.
  • DataBase Language :-Introduction to SQL: Advantages of SQL , Invoking SQL*PLUS, The Oracle Data-types, Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation language (DML), Data Control Language (DCL), Data Query Language ( DQL) and all related commands. Queries using Group by and Order by clause & Join: Querying a Single Table, Ordering results, grouping the results, Joins, Types of Joins, Sub queries. Functions: Character, Arithmetic, Date and time, Group and Miscellaneous Functions, Commit, Rollback, Savepoint.
  • Views: Introduction ,Advantages of views, The Create View Command, Updating Views, Views and Joins, Views and Sub queries – Dropping Views.
  • Indexes: Index Types, Creating of an Index: Simple Unique and Composite Index, Dropping Indexes.
  • Cursors: Implicit and Explicit Cursors
  • Database Triggers: Use of Database Triggers – How to apply database Triggers – Types of Triggers – Syntax for Creating Trigger – Deleting Trigger.

4.Programming Language Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)

  • General concept OOPS: Object, Classes, Data Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Methods and Messages, Dynamic Binding. Features, Advantages and Applications of OOPS, Aggregation and Association, Generalization, Multiple Inheritance.Functions,array,Pointer,File Handling.

5.Data Structure

  • Introduction: Basic Terminology of data structure , Data types and its classification, Array Definition, Representation and Analysis of Arrays, Single and Multidimensional Arrays,Stack, Array Implementation of stack, Linked Representation of Stack, Queue, Array and linked implementation of queues, Circular queues, D-queues and Priority Queues. Linked list, Generalized linked list.
  • Searching and sorting :Internal and External sorting ,Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, selection sort Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort, Radix sort, Searching & Hashing: Sequential search, binary search, Hash Table, Hash Functions, etc.
  • Trees: Terminology, Binary Trees, Complete Binary Tree, Extended Binary Trees, Array and Linked Representation of Binary trees,Binary search trees,AVL Tree.
  • Graphs: Introduction, Sequential Representations of Graphs, Adjacency Matrices, Traversal, Connected Component and Spanning Trees, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees.

6. Compiler Design

  • Introduction to Compiler: Phases and passes, Bootstrapping, Implementation of lexical analyzers, LEX: lexical analyzer generator, Input buffering, Recognition of tokens, Error handling.Basic Parsing Techniques: Parsers, Shift reduce parsing, operator precedence parsing, top down parsing, predictive parsers, LR parsers , an automatic parser generator,Syntax directed definitions, L-attributed definitions, Syntax directed Translators, Intermediate code, Symbol Tables, Run-Time Administration, simple stack allocation scheme, storage allocation in block structured language, Code Optimization and Code Generation,Parsing control statements, syntax diagrams, Error Recovery, Interpreting control statements, parsing programs, procedures and Functions.

7.Software Engineering

  • Introduction of software :The Software Product and Software Process Models, Software Process customization and improvement.Requirement Elicitation, Analysis, and Specification Functional and Non-functional requirements, Validation, Trace ability. Software Design, Architectural Design, User Interface Design, Function-oriented Design, SA/SD Component Based Design, Design Metrics.Software Analysis and Testing, Software Test Process, Testing Levels, Test Criteria, Test Case Design, Test Oracles, Test Techniques, Black-Box Testing, Software Maintenance & Software Project Measurement: Software Configuration Management (SCM), Re-engineering, Reverse Engineering. Project Management Concepts, Feasilibility Analysis, Project and Process Planning, Resources Project Scheduling.

8.Computer Organization and Microprocessor

  • Introductions of Computer Orgnigations:Computer System: Basic Computer Operation, Machine Instructions, Addressing Modes,Flip Flops, Logic Gates ,Encoder,Decoder,Half Duplex,Full Duplex, Micoprocessor,Computer Configuration, Memory organization, Memory Architecture and Interface, DMA, Synchronization, Microcomputers, Computer Languages, Flags, Program Counter(PC), Stack Pointer, OPCode Format.

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